Battery Baldwin
Battery Baldwin (1903-1920) - Battery Baldwin was a reinforced concrete, Endicott Period 3 inch coastal gun battery on Fort Winfield Scott, California. The battery was named in S.O. 105, 9 Oct 1902, after 2nd Lt. Henry M. Baldwin, 5th U.S. Artillery, who died of wounds received at Cedar Creek, Virginia, on 19 Oct 1864 during the U.S. Civil War. Battery construction started in 1901, was completed in 1903 and transferred to the Coastal Artillery for use 3 Dec 1903 at a cost of $ 11,119.89. Deactivated in 1920.
Battery Baldwin History
Part of the Harbor Defense of San Francisco.
Endicott Period
Originally built as an Endicott Period concrete coastal gun battery with two 3" M1898MI rapid fire guns mounted on M1898 balance pillar carriages. The balanced pillar carriages allowed the gun to drop down behind the parapet for reloading, these guns were later modified to be fixed in the firing position and that significantly improved the rate of fire.
Empl No |
Caliber Type |
Barrel Length |
Model | Serial No |
Manufacturer | Carriage | Service Dates |
Notes | |
1 | 3" Rifle | 154.5" | M1898MI | 73 | Driggs-Seabury | Masking Parapet, M1898, #73, Driggs-Seabury |
1903-1920 | See note 1 | |
2 | 3" Rifle | 154.5" | M1898MI | 74 | Driggs-Seabury | Masking Parapet, M1898, #74, Driggs-Seabury |
1903-1920 | See note 1 | |
Source: RCW Form 1,1 Mar 1920, 1 Sep 1923, CDSG, Berhow, Mark A. ed, American Seacoast Defenses: A Reference Guide, 2nd Edition, CDSG Press, McLean, VA, 2004, ISBN 0-9748167-0-1, pages 70-71, 215 Note 1: Guns removed & shipped to Watervliet 4 Aug 1920, carriages scrapped 20 May 1920. CDSG Gun Card Collection from NARA |

World War I
Current Status
Part of the Golden Gate Recreation Area (GGNRA) administered by the National Park Service. No gun or mounts in place. The Battery is buried with only top portion exposed.
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Location: Fort Winfield Scott, California Maps & Images Lat: 37.802222 Long: -122.465278 |
- Coast Defense Study Group, Press, Digital Library, Forums
- Kent, Matthew W., Harbor Defenses of San Francisco - A Field Guide 1890 to 1950, Copyright 2009, Blurb, ISBN 978-1-61584-163-9, page 19
- California Military Museum - Battery Baldwin
- National Park Service - Battery Baldwin
- Angelfire - Battery Baldwin
Visited: No
Battery Baldwin Picture Gallery
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