Battery Sherwood
Battery Sherwood (1900-1918) - Battery Sherwood was a reinforced concrete, Endicott Period 5 inch rapid fire coastal gun battery on Fort Winfield Scott, California. The battery was named in S.O. 16, 14 Feb 1902 after 2nd Lt. Walter Sherwood, 7th U.S. Infantry, who was killed in a hand-to-hand encounter with Seminole Indians near Fort Micanopy, Florida, on 28 Dec 1840. Battery construction started in 1900, was completed in 1900 and transferred to the Coastal Artillery for use 2 Aug 1900 at a cost of $ 20,355.07. Although the Battery was accepted for service in 1900, it was not armed until 1905. Deactivated in 1918.
Battery Sherwood History
Part of the Harbor Defense of San Francisco.
Endicott Period
Originally built as an Endicott Period concrete coastal gun battery with two 5" M1900 rapid fire guns mounted on M1903 carriages. These guns had a range of about 7.5 miles and a rate of fire of 20-30 rounds/minute for short periods. The Battery had a separate observation post above and a magazine underneath for each of the two guns. The guns and carriages were not mounted until sometime after 24 August 1905 when the carriages were shipped from the Morgan Engineering Company to Fort Winfield Scott.
Empl No |
Caliber Type |
Barrel Length |
Model | Serial No |
Manufacturer | Carriage | Service Dates |
Notes | |
1 | 5" Rifle | 258.5" | M1900 | 2 | Watervliet | Pedestal Barbette, M1903, #16, Morgan | 1900-1918 | See note 1 | |
2 | 5" Rifle | 258.5" | M1900 | 13 | Watervliet | Pedestal Barbette, M1903, #17, Morgan | 1900-1918 | See note 1 | |
Source: RCW Form 1,1 Mar 1920, RCB, 31 Dec 1909, Coast Defense Study Group, Berhow, Mark A. ed, American Seacoast Defenses: A Reference Guide, 2nd Edition, CDSG Press, McLean, VA, 2004, ISBN 0-9748167-0-1, pages 90-91, 215 Note 1: Both carriages shipped 24 Aug 1905 to Battery Sherwood, Guns and carriages both probably shipped to Fort Funston 18 Jun 1918, CDSG Gun Card Collection from NARA |

World War I
This Battery was deactivated in 1917-1918 during World War I and the guns and carriages were ordered sent to Battery Bruff on Fort Funston. On 18 Jul 1918 it was indicated that the two 5" guns of Battery Sherwood had been transfered to Merced but the gun cards do not give a specific date. The transfer of the carriages took place 18 Jun 1918 and it is assumed that the guns and the carriages transferred on about the same date.
Current Status
Part of the Golden Gate Recreation Area (GGNRA) administered by the National Park Service. No gun or mounts in place.
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Location: Fort Winfield Scott, California Maps & Images Lat: 37.802222 Long: -122.464167 |
- Coast Defense Study Group, Press, Digital Library, Forums
- Kent, Matthew W., Harbor Defenses of San Francisco - A Field Guide 1890 to 1950, Copyright 2009, Blurb, ISBN 978-1-61584-163-9, page 20
Visited: No
Battery Sherwood Picture Gallery
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