Fort Strong (2)

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Fort Strong (2) (1899-1961) - An Endicott Period Coastal Fort first established in 1899 on the site of the Battery at Long Island Head on Long Island, Suffolk County, Massachusetts. Named Fort Strong in G.O. 134, 22 Jul 1899, after Major General George C. Strong, U.S. Volunteers, U.S. Civil War. Abandoned in 1961.

Endicott Period

Part of the Harbor Defense of Boston, Massachusetts. A mine casemate was constructed in 1906.

Fort Strong (2) Endicott Period Battery (edit list)
Click on Battery links below
No. Caliber Type Mount Service Years Battery Cost Notes
Battery Hitchcock 1
$ 336,633 One gun removed 1918
Battery Ward 2 10" Disappearing 1893-1899-1899-1938 Included above
Battery Drum 2 4.72" Armstrong 1898-1899-1899-1917 $ 14,737 Guns to Sachuest Point, Middletown, RI
Battery Basinger 2 3" Masking Parapet 1899-1900-1901-1946 $ 18,780
Battery Smyth 2 3" Pedestal 1903-1906-1906-1921 $ 16,000 Guns to Battery Basinger
Battery Stevens 2 3" Pedestal 1903-1906-1906-1946 $ 21,500
Battery Taylor (1) 2 3" Pedestal 1903-1906-1906-1942 $ 21,000 Guns to Battery Taylor (2)
Fort Dawes
Source: CDSG
File:Fort Strong (2) Plan.jpg
Fort Strong Plan

World War I (1917-1918)

During World War I, 1,500 soldiers were stationed at Fort Strong. A two-gun AA Battery #3 was built in 1917 and expanded to three guns in 1935. Designated a sub-post of Fort Banks (1) after the end of the war.

World War II (1941-1945)

Declared surplus 30 Sep 1947.

Cold War

Fort Strong housed NIKE missile launch site B-35R in the 1950s, with the control site in Squantum and the Radar Section, 15th AAA Group (1958-1961). A target tracking radar was built in Battery Drum and only the footings remain.

Current Status

Closed to the public, obtain permission in advance of visit. Operated by The Boston Public Health Commission on Long Island, Suffolk County, Massachusetts.


Location: Long Island, Suffolk County, Massachusetts.

Maps & Images

Lat: 42.323292 Long: -70.963864



Visited: No

Fort Strong (2) Picture Gallery

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[[Category:Private Property]