Fort Foster (1)

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Fort Foster (1) (1873-1948) - An Endicott Period Coastal Fort first established in 1873 on Gerrish Island, York County, Maine. Named Fort Foster in G.O. 43, 4 Apr 1900, after John G. Foster, a native of New Hampshire, and a lieutenant colonel, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, who served with distinction in the Mexican War and the U.S. Civil War, attaining the rank of major general, U.S. Volunteers, in the latter. Post abandoned by the U.S. Army in 1948.

Endicott Period (1890-1910)

Part of the Harbor Defense of Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

The land for Fort Foster was acquired in two parcels, the first was a 40 acre parcel acquired in 1873 and the second was a 48 acre parcel formally acquired on 27 Feb 1943.

Construction began on the first of two Endicott Period gun batteries in 1898 and both were completed by 1904. Battery Bohlen was armed with three 10" guns on Disappearing carriages and Battery Chapin was armed with two 3" rapid fire guns.

In 1909 a secondary mine station was built 25' in back of Battery Chapin. This station was accepted for service on 9 Feb 1909 at a cost of $ 705.55.

Post construction was very limited and initially the only quarters constructed was an NCO/caretaker dwelling. The Reports of Completed Batteries (RCB) for the pre World War I period show the post garrisoned by detachment from Fort Constitution (2).

Fort Foster (1) Endicott Period Battery (edit list)
Click on Battery links below
No. Caliber Type Mount Service Years Battery Cost Notes
Battery Bohlen 3 10" Disappearing 1898-1901-1901-1917
$ 158,000 Guns went to France & Back
Battery Chapin 2 3" Pedestal 1904-1945 $ 15,213
Source: CDSG

World War I (1917-1918)

In August of 1917 all three 10" guns of Battery Bohlen were ordered dismounted for use abroad. All three guns were transferred to France in October 1917 and subsequently transferred back to Fort Foster in September 1919. The guns were then remounted in Battery Bohlen.

A number of temporary World War I buildings were constructed during the war including temporary officers quarters, enlisted barracks, post exchange and stable. These temporary buildings were removed in the 1920s and for most of the 1920s and 1930s the post was in caretaker status.

Fort Foster Plan 1921 Showing WWI Temporary Buildings
Fort Foster Plan 1938 WWI Temporary Buildings Removed

World War II (1941-1945)

Two World War II gun batteries were planned for Fort Foster, 6" Battery 205 and 90mm Battery AMTB 952. Construction began on Battery 205 in November 1942 on the 40 acres still under the acquisition process. This battery was completed in September 1944 but the gun tubes never arrived and it was never armed. Battery AMTB 952 was begun and completed in 1943 as a protection against fast motor torpedo boats and aircraft. The AMTB battery was located in front of Battery Bohlen which had been approved for abandonment in December 1942.

In 1942 a three story mine control station was built in back of Battery Bohlen. The station was accepted for service on 8 Jul 1942 at a cost of $ 13,944.39. Also constructed during World War II was a new mine casemate near Battery Bohlen.

Post construction during World War II included four 66 man barracks, a mess hall, an admin building, an infirmary, two recreation buildings and a 6 man officers quarters and mess. All of the buildings were of temporary World War II type construction. The cantonment area was located on the original parcel of land by the Endicott Period batteries.

Fort Foster (1) World War II Battery (edit list)
Click on Battery links below
No. Caliber Type Mount Service Years Battery Cost Notes
Battery 205 2 6" Shielded Barbette (SBC) 1942-1944-1944-NA $ 265,079 Not Armed
Battery AMTB 952 2 90mm AMTB Fixed 1943-1943-1943-1946 $ ?
Source: CDSG
Fort Foster Plan WWII

Current Status

Part of Fort Foster City Park, Gerrish Island, York County, Maine. No period guns or mounts in place.


Location: Fort Foster City Park, Gerrish Island, York County, Maine.

Maps & Images

Lat: 43.0672222 Long: -70.6877778


  • Roberts, Robert B., Encyclopedia of Historic Forts: The Military, Pioneer, and Trading Posts of the United States, Macmillan, New York, 1988, 10th printing, ISBN 0-02-926880-X, page 360-361
  • U.S.Army, Supplement to the Harbor Defense Project, Harbor Defenses of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, (CCA-P-PCC), 1945, CDSG


Visited: No

Fort Foster (1) Picture Gallery

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