Fort Magruder (1)

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Fort Magruder (1) (1863-1864) - A Confederate earthworks post established in 1863 during the U.S. Civil War by Major Julius Kellersberg, CSA, in Travis County, Texas. Named after Major General John Bankhead Magruder, commander of Texas Confederate forces. Abandoned in 1864.

Fort Magruder Marker
Fort MagruderSite Location

Fort Magruder (1) History

A hastly built CSA post constructed on the south side of Austin, Texas. The defense was started as Union troops were moving north toward Austin. The L-shaped earthwork was dug for the fort by donated slaves. The Union troops were diverted to Louisiana for a campaign into that state and the works was never fully completed and Austin was not attacked. The L shaped works measured 260' by 470' with the east-west trench being the longest work. The 260' north-south trench faced the old San Antonio Road (now South Congress Avenue).

Current Status

Marker only, the site is on private property in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas.


Location: Located in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas.

Maps & Images

Lat: 30.2246617 Long: -97.7642655



Visited: No

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