Battery 102
Battery 102 (1942-1948) - Battery 102 was a reinforced concrete, World War II 16 inch coastal gun battery located on Peak's Island Military Reservation, Peak's Island, Cumberland County, Maine. Named Battery Steele (2) after Major General Harry L. Steele, Chief of Coast Artillery (1935-1936), who died 31 Mar 1938. Battery construction started in 1942, was completed in 1944-45 and transferred to the Coast Artillery for use in 1945. Deactivated in 1948.
World War IIPart of the Harbor Defense of Portland, Maine. Originally built as an World War II concrete coastal gun battery with two 16" MarkII-M1 guns mounted on one M4 and one M5 Casemated Barbette Carriages (CBC). This battery was a single level battery with the guns located on the same level as the central magazine. Each gun emplacement was casemated with heavy, reinforced concrete overhead protection and earth covering. The central magazine was built between and connecting the gun emplacements so that the powder and shells could be brought directly to the guns using overhead tracks and chain hoists. See 16" Rifle MarkII-M1. A completely separated Plotting and Fire Control Switchboard Room (PSR) is located about 1000' southwest of the battery. The guns were delivered to the site in May 1943. The guns were transported from Watervliet by rail to South Portland Shipyard where they were slid onto a barge and transported to Peak's Island. On Peak's Island the guns were shifted onto a specially built wharf and then onto heavy trailers for transport to the site. The guns were formally transferred from Watervliet on 3 Jul 1943, carriages transferred from Mesta on 17 Jul 1943.
Current StatusOpen to the public. On Peak's Island, Cumberland County, Maine. No period guns or mounts in place.
Links: Visited: 24 Jun 2012