Oceana NAS Radar Site
Oceana NAS Radar Site (1980-Active) - An Joint Use Radar Site first established in 1980 on Oceana NAS, Virginia Beach City, Virginia. Initially assigned a SAGE ID of Z-321, a JSS ID of J-01 and a FAA ID of QVR. Active joint use (USAF/USN/FAA) Radar Site. History of Oceana NAS Joint Use Radar SiteThis site became an USAF/USN/FAA joint-use site in 1980, furnishing radar track data to the FAA, USAF and USN. Initial radar equipment included a FPS-93A search radar and a FPS-116 Height finder. The FPS- 116 was removed circa 1988. The FPS-93A was replaced by the ARSR-4 in the late 1990s. The ARSR-4 radar was capable of providing both search and height finder information and is still in place.
Current StatusActive facility in Oceana NAS, Virginia Beach City, Virginia.
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