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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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{{BlockhouseListHead|Description=Washington Blockhouses|EditPage=WashingtonBlockhouses}}
{{BlockhouseListHead|Description=Washington Blockhouses|EditPage=WashingtonBlockhouses}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort at Cowlitz Landing|Located=Cowlitz Landing|Notes=Stockaded}}
{{WashingtonBlocklistSeparator|Title=Erected at the Expense of the Quartermaster or by Volunteer Troops}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Unknown|Located=French settlement, near Cowlitz Farms|Notes=Stockaded}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort Alden|Located=2.5 miles above Snoqualmie Falls on Rangers's Prairie|Source=1,4|Notes=Built by Northern Battalion}}
{{BlockhouseListFoot|Source={{Whiting}}, page 4-11}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort Borst|Located=Chehalis River below mouth of Skookum Chuck|Source=1,2,4|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort at Cowlitz Landing|Located=Cowlitz Landing|Source=1,4|Notes=Stockaded}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort Decatur|Located=Seattle|Source=1,4|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort Ebey (2)|Located=On Ebey Island in Snohomish River|Source=1,4|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=2|Name=Fort Hays (2)|Located=Connel's Prairie|Source=1,2,4|Notes=Built by Volunteers}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=2|Name=Fort Hicks|Located=Montgomery's|Source=1,4|Notes=Built by Pioneer Co.}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort Lander|Located=On Dewamish|Source=1,4|Notes=Built by Volunteers}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort at Lone Tree Point|Located=On Lone Tree Point near La Conner|Source=4,5|Notes=Built by Volunteers}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort Mason (3)|Located=Wilson's Point|Source=1,4,5|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort McAllister (2)|Located=South Prairie|Source=1,4|Notes=Built by Volunteers}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort Miller (2)|Located=Tenalquot Plains|Source=1,4|Notes=Built by Volunteers}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=2|Name=Fort Pike (4)|Located=Crossing of White River|Source=1,4|Notes=Built by Volunteers}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort Posey|Located=Crossing of White River|Source=1|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort Preston (3)|Located=Michel's Fork of Nisqually|Source=1,4|Notes=Built by Volunteers<br>Capt. Miller's company}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort Raglan|Located=Nisqually River, Packards Ferry|Source=1,4|Notes=Built by Volunteers, Stockaded}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort Stevens (3)|Located=Yelm Prairie|Source=1,4|Notes=Built by Volunteers}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort Tilton|Located=1.5 miles below Snoqualmie Falls on Rangers's Prairie|Source=1,4|Notes=Built by Volunteers<br>Northern Battalion}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort White (2)|Located=Crossing of Puyallup|Source=1,4|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=2|Name=Olympia Blockhouse|Located=Olympia|Source=1,4,5|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Unknown|Located=Lewis River|Source=1|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Unknown|Located=Lowe's on Chambers Praire|Source=1|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Unknown|Located=Port Townsend|Source=1|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Unknown|Located=Bellingham Bay|Source=1|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Unknown|Located=Vancouver|Source=1|Notes=Built by Capt. Kelly's Company}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Unknown|Located=Fourth Prairie|Source=1|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Unknown|Located=Klickatat Prairie near Cowlitz|Source=1|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Unknown|Located=French settlement, near Cowlitz Farms|Source=1|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Unknown|Located=Skookum Chuck|Source=1|Notes=}}
{{WashingtonBlocklistSeparator|Title=Built by Settlers}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Alexander Blockhouse|Located=Whidbey Island|Source=1,4|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=0|Name=Bush Stockade|Located=Bush's|Source=1|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=2|Name=Chambers Blockhouse|Located=Chambers Prairie|Source=1,4,5|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=2|Name=Crockett Blockhouse|Located=Whidbey Island|Source=1,4|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Davis Blockhouse|Located=Whidbey Island|Source=1|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Dofflemyer Blockhouse|Located=Dofflemyer's|Source=1|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=4|Name=Ebey Blockhouse|Located=Whidbey Island|Source=1,4|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort Arkansas|Located=Near Castle Rock, on the East side of Cowlitz River|Source=1,4|Notes=Built by Henry Jackson}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort Cagle|Located=Near Castle Rock, on the West side of Cowlitz River|Source=1,4|Notes=Built by William Cagle}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort Eaton|Located=Eaton Prairie|Source=1,4|Notes=Nathan Eaton}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=2|Name=Fort Henness|Located=Mound Prairie|Source=1,4|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=0|Name=Goodell Stockade|Located=Goodell's|Source=1|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Port Gamble Blockhouse|Located=Port Gamble|Source=1|Notes=Built by Capt. Joshua Keller}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=?|Name=Fort Nugent|Located=West of Oak Harbor|Source=4,5|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=0|Name=Stockade at Cochran's|Located=Skookum Chuck|Source=1|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=2|Name=Unknown|Located=Falls, near Olympia|Source=1|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Unknown|Located=Tenalquet Prairie|Source=1|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Unknown|Located=Lewis River|Source=1|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Unknown|Located=Mime Prairie|Source=1|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Unknown|Located=Meigs' Mill|Source=1|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Unknown|Located=Boise Fort|Source=1|Notes=}}
{{WashingtonBlocklistSeparator|Title=Built by Regular Troops}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Blockhouse on the Black River|Located=Black River|Source=1|Notes=}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort Maloney|Located=Puyallup River|Source=1,2,3,4|Notes=Built by Captain [[Maurice Maloney]] and [[4th U.S. Infantry]]}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort Mason (6)|Located=Mill Creek, Walla Walla Valley|Source=1,4|Notes=Built by [[9th U.S. Infantry]]}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort Naches|Located=Naches River 9 miles above Yakima |Source=3,4|Notes=Built by Colonel [[George Wright]] and [[9th U.S. Infantry]]}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=4|Name=Fort Simcoe|Located=Toppenish Creek near the site of Haller's defeat near Yakama|Source=2,3,4|Notes=Built by Major [[Robert S. Garnett]] and [[9th U.S. Infantry]]}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort Slaughter|Located=Muckleshoot Prairie|Source=1,2,3,4|Notes=Built by Captain  [[Erasmus Darwin]] and [[9th U.S. Infantry]]}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=?|Name=Fort Taylor (3)|Located=East of Starbuck, Vicinity of Walla Walla|Source=4|Notes=Built by Colonel [[George Wright]] and [[9th U.S. Infantry]]}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort Thomas (3)|Located=Green River|Source=1,2,3,4|Notes=Built by [[4th U.S. Infantry]]}}
{{BlockhouseList|Number=1|Name=Fort Townsend|Located=Olympic Peninsula, south of Port Townsend|Source=4|Notes=Built by Captain [[Granville O. Haller]], [[4th U.S. Infantry]]}}
{{BlockhouseListFoot|Source=<br>1. {{Whiting}}, page 4-11<br>2. {{Hart}}, page 177-192<br>3. {{Roberts}}, page829-839,<br>4. [http://www.historylink.org/index.cfm?DisplayPage=output.cfm&file_id=10087 History Link - Forts of Washington Territory]<br>5. {{McDaniel}}}}

Latest revision as of 13:19, 6 August 2022

Washington Blockhouses (edit list)
No. Name Located Source Notes
Erected at the Expense of the Quartermaster or by Volunteer Troops
1 Fort Alden 2.5 miles above Snoqualmie Falls on Rangers's Prairie 1,4 Built by Northern Battalion
1 Fort Borst Chehalis River below mouth of Skookum Chuck 1,2,4
1 Fort at Cowlitz Landing Cowlitz Landing 1,4 Stockaded
1 Fort Decatur Seattle 1,4
1 Fort Ebey (2) On Ebey Island in Snohomish River 1,4
2 Fort Hays (2) Connel's Prairie 1,2,4 Built by Volunteers
2 Fort Hicks Montgomery's 1,4 Built by Pioneer Co.
1 Fort Lander On Dewamish 1,4 Built by Volunteers
1 Fort at Lone Tree Point On Lone Tree Point near La Conner 4,5 Built by Volunteers
1 Fort Mason (3) Wilson's Point 1,4,5
1 Fort McAllister (2) South Prairie 1,4 Built by Volunteers
1 Fort Miller (2) Tenalquot Plains 1,4 Built by Volunteers
2 Fort Pike (4) Crossing of White River 1,4 Built by Volunteers
1 Fort Posey Crossing of White River 1
1 Fort Preston (3) Michel's Fork of Nisqually 1,4 Built by Volunteers
Capt. Miller's company
1 Fort Raglan Nisqually River, Packards Ferry 1,4 Built by Volunteers, Stockaded
1 Fort Stevens (3) Yelm Prairie 1,4 Built by Volunteers
1 Fort Tilton 1.5 miles below Snoqualmie Falls on Rangers's Prairie 1,4 Built by Volunteers
Northern Battalion
1 Fort White (2) Crossing of Puyallup 1,4
2 Olympia Blockhouse Olympia 1,4,5
1 Unknown Lewis River 1
1 Unknown Lowe's on Chambers Praire 1
1 Unknown Port Townsend 1
1 Unknown Bellingham Bay 1
1 Unknown Vancouver 1 Built by Capt. Kelly's Company
1 Unknown Fourth Prairie 1
1 Unknown Washougle 1
1 Unknown Klickatat Prairie near Cowlitz 1
1 Unknown French settlement, near Cowlitz Farms 1
1 Unknown Skookum Chuck 1
Built by Settlers
1 Alexander Blockhouse Whidbey Island 1,4
0 Bush Stockade Bush's 1
2 Chambers Blockhouse Chambers Prairie 1,4,5
2 Crockett Blockhouse Whidbey Island 1,4
1 Davis Blockhouse Whidbey Island 1
1 Dofflemyer Blockhouse Dofflemyer's 1
4 Ebey Blockhouse Whidbey Island 1,4
1 Fort Arkansas Near Castle Rock, on the East side of Cowlitz River 1,4 Built by Henry Jackson
1 Fort Cagle Near Castle Rock, on the West side of Cowlitz River 1,4 Built by William Cagle
1 Fort Eaton Eaton Prairie 1,4 Nathan Eaton
2 Fort Henness Mound Prairie 1,4
0 Goodell Stockade Goodell's 1
1 Port Gamble Blockhouse Port Gamble 1 Built by Capt. Joshua Keller
? Fort Nugent West of Oak Harbor 4,5
0 Stockade at Cochran's Skookum Chuck 1
2 Unknown Falls, near Olympia 1
1 Unknown Tenalquet Prairie 1
1 Unknown Lewis River 1
1 Unknown Mime Prairie 1
1 Unknown Meigs' Mill 1
2 Unknown Cascades 1
1 Unknown Boise Fort 1
Built by Regular Troops
1 Blockhouse on the Black River Black River 1
1 Fort Maloney Puyallup River 1,2,3,4 Built by Captain Maurice Maloney and 4th U.S. Infantry
1 Fort Mason (6) Mill Creek, Walla Walla Valley 1,4 Built by 9th U.S. Infantry
1 Fort Naches Naches River 9 miles above Yakima 3,4 Built by Colonel George Wright and 9th U.S. Infantry
4 Fort Simcoe Toppenish Creek near the site of Haller's defeat near Yakama 2,3,4 Built by Major Robert S. Garnett and 9th U.S. Infantry
1 Fort Slaughter Muckleshoot Prairie 1,2,3,4 Built by Captain Erasmus Darwin and 9th U.S. Infantry
? Fort Taylor (3) East of Starbuck, Vicinity of Walla Walla 4 Built by Colonel George Wright and 9th U.S. Infantry
1 Fort Thomas (3) Green River 1,2,3,4 Built by 4th U.S. Infantry
1 Fort Townsend Olympic Peninsula, south of Port Townsend 4 Built by Captain Granville O. Haller, 4th U.S. Infantry

1. Whiting, J.S., Forts of the State of Washington: A record of Military and Semi-Military Establishments Designated as Forts, Kelly Printing Company, Seattle, Second Edition, 1951, page 4-11
2. Hart, Herbert M., Tour Guide to Old Western Forts, Pruett Publishing Co., Boulder CO, 1980, ISBN 0-87108-568-2, page 177-192
3. Roberts, Robert B., Encyclopedia of Historic Forts: The Military, Pioneer, and Trading Posts of the United States, Macmillan, New York, 1988, 10th printing, ISBN 0-02-926880-X, page829-839,
4. History Link - Forts of Washington Territory
5. McDaniel, Nancy L., A Sound Defense: Military Historical Sites of Puget Sound, Self Published, 2013, 365 pages, ISBN 978-0-9759044-2-8