Category:Washington Not Visited: Difference between revisions

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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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(30 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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<googlemap version="0.9" lat="47.405785" lon="-121.014404" zoom="7" width="800" height="600" type="map" controls="large" scale="yes" overview="yes" icons="{label}.png">
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="47.405785" lon="-121.014404" zoom="7" width="-800" height="-600" type="map" controls="large" scale="yes" overview="yes" icons="{label}.png">
(F) 46.55609, -118.17796, Fort Taylor (3)
(C) 48.4643139, -123.0202889, American Camp
(C) 48.586221, -123.1503975, English Camp
(F) 48.778571,-122.55104, Fort Bellingham
(original location)
(C) 47.828254, -119.983664, Camp Chelan
(C) 47.828254, -119.983664, Camp Chelan
(F) 46.342765, -120.837958, Fort Simcoe
(F) 48.100344, -119.678656, Fort Okanogan
(M) 48.371076, -124.707398, Cape Flattery Military Reservation
(M) 48.371076, -124.707398, Cape Flattery Military Reservation
(F) 46.046735, -118.514628, Fort Bennett (1)
(F) 47.36957, -122.24340, Fort Thomas (3)
(F) 47.36957, -122.24340, Fort Thomas (3)
(F) 47.25373, -122.12108, Fort Slaughter
(F) 47.25373, -122.12108, Fort Slaughter
(C) 45.69508, -122.41591, Camp Bonneville
(F) 47.140869, -122.092245, Fort McAllister (2)
(M) 46.72127, -124.000969, Willapa Military Reservation
(M) 46.72127, -124.000969, Willapa Military Reservation
(M) 46.889528, -124.105682, Grays Harbor Military Reservation
(M) 46.889528, -124.105682, Grays Harbor Military Reservation
(F) 46.822345, -123.021652, Fort Henness
<!-- Radar Sites -->
(R) 47.5740576, -117.0812613, Mica Peak Air Force Station
(F) 47.20508, -122.2965, Fort Maloney
(R) 48.87722, -118.78556, Curlew Air Force Station
(C) 46.8938, -124.105, Camp Chehalis
<!-- FAA Radar Sites -->
(R) 48.37167, -124.675, Makah FAA Radar Site
(R) 47.57389, -117.08111, Mica Peak FAA Radar Site

Latest revision as of 06:01, 29 July 2022


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