Category:USAF Radar Sites: Difference between revisions

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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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<googlemap version="0.9" lat="45.58329" lon="-94.921875" zoom="4" type="map" width="1000" height="800" scale="yes" overview="no" controls="large" icons="{label}.png">
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="45.58329" lon="-94.921875" zoom="4" type="map" width="1000" height="800" scale="yes" overview="no" controls="large" icons="{label}.png">
<!-- Radar Site -->
(D) 40.03097, -74.57568, McGuire AFB
(D) 41.50028, -74.10611, Stewart ANG
(D) 43.12194, -76.10028, Hancock AFS
(D) 37.2525, -77.3225, Fort Lee AFS
(D) 43.945, -69.962778, Topsham AFS
(D) 42.32167, -85.26667, Custer AFS
(D) 43.12667, -89.335, Truax Field ANG
(D) 38.84639, -94.54722, Richards-Gebaur AFB
(D) 32.40361, -86.24111, Gunter Annex AFB
(D) 46.83611, -92.20722, Duluth ANG
(D) 47.94639, -97.38194, Grand Forks AFB
(D) 47.12167, -122.50389, McChord AFB
(D) 44.67154, -123.21959, Adair AFS
(D) 46.34639, -87.38333, K.I. Sawyer AFB
(D) 47.18139, -119.32111, Larson AFB
(D) 39.65111, -119.88333, Stead AFB
(D) 34.10528, -117.21806, Norton AFB
(D) 39.10972, -121.39694, Beale AFB
(D) 48.41415, -101.32424, Minot AFS
(R) 47.51639, -111.18194, Malstrom AFB
(D) 33.54278, -112.3575, Luke AFB
(D) 42.3975, -96.37361, Sioux City AFS
(D) 46.3375, -79.41167, North Bay CFB
(R) 33.64611, -81.67667, Aiken AFS
(R) 33.64611, -81.67667, Aiken AFS
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'''See Also:'''
* [[:Category:SAGEDirectionCenters|SAGE System Direction Centers]]


Revision as of 15:44, 16 August 2014


See Also:


Pages in category "USAF Radar Sites"

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