Category:Oregon Forts: Difference between revisions

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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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<googlemap version="0.9" lat="44.142798" lon="-120.915527" zoom="7" type="map" width="800" height="600" scale="yes" overview="yes" controls="large" icons="{label}.png">
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="44.142798" lon="-120.915527" zoom="7" type="map" width="800" height="600" scale="yes" overview="yes" controls="large" icons="{label}.png">
<!-- Forts -->
(F) 46.188224, -123.827441
[[Fort Astoria]]<br>(1811-1824)<br>(1830-1848)
(F) 42.68333, -123.38333
[[Fort Bailey]]<br>(1855-18??)
(F) 42.40694, -123.14722
[[Fort Birdseye]]<br>(1855-18??)
(F) 42.13333, -123.61361
[[Fort Briggs]]<br>(1855-18??)
(F) 46.13423, -123.879122
[[Fort Clatsop]]<br>(1805-1806)
(F) 45.596211, -121.197535
[[Fort Dalles]]<br>(1848-1867)
(F) 43.6675, -118.80778
[[Fort Harney]]<br>(1867-1880)
(F) 42.3, -123.6
[[Fort Hayes]]<br>(1855-18??)
(F) 45.741682, -119.201231
[[Fort Henrietta]]<br>(1855-1856)
(F) 43.04556, -124.14389
[[Fort Kitchen]]<br>(1855-18??)
(F) 42.692341, -121.972232
[[Fort Klamath]]<br>(1863-1889)
(F) 42.71806, -123.83806
[[Fort Lamerick]]<br>(1856-1856)
(F) 42.425575, -122.982448
[[Fort Lane]]<br>(1853-1856)
(F) 42.63944, -123.38889
[[Fort Leland]]<br>(1855-18??)
(F) 42.45139, -124.42222
[[Fort Miner]]<br>(1855-18??)
(F) 42.74583, -124.49611
[[Fort Orford]]<br>(1851-1856)
(F) 42.74167, -124.49306
[[Fort Point]]<br>(186?-1868)
(F) 42.93611, -124.11583
[[Fort Rowland]]<br>(1853-18??)
(F) 46.206953, -123.962688
[[Fort Stevens]]<br>(1865-1947)
(F) 43.632596, -123.570614
[[Fort Umpqua]]<br>(1836-1854)
(F) 43.70278, -124.1675
[[Fort Umpqua (2)]]<br>(1856-1862)
(F) 42.43222, -123.42306
[[Fort Vannoy]]<br>(1855-1856)
(F) 45.068702, -123.570528
[[Fort Yamhill]]<br>(1855-1866)
(F) 44.673734, -123.464103
[[Fort Hoskins]]<br>(1856-1865)
(F) 42.798959, -123.249822
[[Fort Elliff]]<br>[[Camp Elliff]]<br>(1855-1856)
(F) 43.175, -123.52778
[[Fort Flournoy]]<br>(1855-1855)
(F) 42.75944, -123.36111
[[Fort Smith]]<br>(185?-185?)

Revision as of 18:51, 20 June 2010