Fort Learnard
Fort Learnard (1942-1946) - A World War II Coastal Fort first established in 1942 on Eider Point, Unalaska Island, Aleutians West Census Area, Alaska. Named Fort Learnard after Brigadier General Henry G. Learnard (Cullum 3362), who explored the Susitna River, Alaska, in 1898. Abandoned in 1946.
World War II (1941-1945)Part of the Harbor Defense of Dutch Harbor. Fort Learnard was located on a 2,542-acre site that came to include Battery 298 and Battery AMTB - Eider Point Spit In what was identified as Location #10 on the World War II Harbor Defense Annex for Dutch Harbor. The site was procured for government use on 30 Apr 1942.
Current StatusPart of Fort Learnard Historic Site. Some remains on Eider Point, Unalaska Island, Aleutians West Census Area, Alaska. The site is currently owned by the BLM, Native Corporations, and private parties.
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