Finley FAA Radar Site
Finley FAA Radar Site (1979-Active) - A FAA Radar Site first established in 1979 near Finley, Steele County, North Dakota. Initially assigned a SAGE ID of Z-303, a JSS ID of J-75 and an FAA ID of QFI. Active FAA Radar Site.
HistoryThis site became an FAA/ADC joint-use site on 30 Dec 1979, furnishing radar track data to the FAA and to USAF Direction Centers. The initial equipment included the FAA ARSR-3 search radar and one USAF FPS-116 height-finder. The FPS-116 height-finder required the Military Interface Modification (MIM) to connect to the digitizer functionality in the ARSR-3 radar. The modification allowed height-finder operators to process height requests and return height data to USAF direction centers. In 1982 the FPS-116 height finder was supported by USAF operating location OLAE 24th ADS. In 1983 as the SAGE System was deactivated and the Finley FAA Radar Site joined the JSS System with a JSS ID of J-75 as one of the original members. The FPS-116 was removed about 1988 and the ARSR-3 was replaced with an FAA ARSR-4 3D radar in 1997-1998. The radar site data is now available to the USAF/NORAD Battle Control System-Fixed (BCS-F) operations centers (EADS & WADS) as well as the FAA Minneapolis ARTCC (ZMP) and adjacent ARTCCs. Other federal agencies have access to the data under the Homeland Security umbrella.
Current StatusActive facility in Finley, Steele County, North Dakota.
See Also:
Visited: 5 Aug 2016