ToDo - Bill Thayer

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Systematic check of Cullum

A systematic check of Cullum, starting with Cullum 1. Last one checked: Cullum 139, 3 Jan  17.


Groups of forts

  • Samuel Cole Williams's History of the Lost State of Franklin, the following are all part of an inland chain of forts down along the mountains:
    • "Besides this fort for the protection of this immediate section, three other forts were built among the Allegheny Mountains — LONG ISLAND Fort, on the north bank of the Holston River, by Col. Bird of Virginia; Fort DOBBS, under the shadow of the Alleghenys, by North Carolina; and Fort CHISSEL, on New River in Virginia, by Virginians." ▸▸ CHISSEL is a misspelling, or an alternate spelling, of CHISWELL, under which name (Fort Chiswell) a community exists tracing its origin to a 1758 fort.

Other Forts (and Arsenals)

Forts (edit list)
Fort State Dates Mentions Notes
Chisholm's Fort TN 1793 1 See the editor's note to Sevier's Journal, 24 Oct 1793.
Eaton's Fort TN 1776 1 Not completely sure it was a fort, but at least it was something like one, and a battle was fought there in 1776, mentioned just once on my site, and in passing. See [1], [2], etc.
Fort at Cobb's Point NC 1862 1 Civil War coastal fort near Elizabeth City: Merrill, The Rebel Shore, p96‑98; online elsewhere and in print. Was a "wretched affair", had four 32‑pounder smoothbores. It was blown up in the battle of Feb. 9, 1862.
Fort Bernard WY 1845-1866 1 Wickedpedia has an article "Fort Bernard". On my own site, DeVoto (page under construction) mentions it with some similar details, p164.
Fort Caillou LA? 1861 2 Confederate (or Confederate-occupied), one of a group of forts evacuated by the Confederacy, mentioned by Kendall in Chapter 15 and Chapter 16.
Fort Caldwell KS 1885 1 (Cullum 2535). Sparse references online, but including in printed books.
--Not Found--
Fort Columbus (2) KY or IL 1 Freeman writes: "The newspapers that Lee read on his arrival in Richmond contained the gloomy intelligence that Fort Columbus, the advanced Confederate position on the Mississippi, thirty miles south of the confluence of the Ohio, had been abandoned by (Lee's) old West Point friend, Leonidas Polk"
--Not Found--
Fort Des Prairies ??? ??? 1 Wade's Mackenzie of Canada.
Fort Gelaspy IA 1805 1 On my site: [3]. Probably a Frenchified spelling of Gillespie or Gillaspie. There is some doubt as to whether Pike actually saw this fort, see [4]
Fort Graham (2) NC 1 In (Cullum 1994) — occurring just before he was posted to another fort in North Carolina, so not likely to be a mistake for the fort in Texas. Poking around online for it, I couldn't find much — except a "GRAHAM's Fort" in North Carolina, which I don't think is it (Revolutionary War), but it's not on FW either, so I'll add it to the pot as well: see this page at NCMarkers.Com.
Fort Henry (12) TN 1793 1 Not the same as Fort Henry (5); this one is mentioned by John Sevier in his diary in 1793, as follows (in toto): "Camp Henry, Fort 24 October 1793."
Fort Horseshoe ??? ??? 1 Wade's Mackenzie of Canada.
Fort Howard (4) NM 1 Cullum, (Cullum 789). See also possibly Camp Howard (IT), below under Camps.
Fort Howard (5) ID 1879 1 (Cullum 2074), date 1879. North American Forts calls it a Camp: actually has 3 of them all in Idaho.
Fort Jonquière ??? ??? 1 Wade's Mackenzie of Canada.
Fort Kearny (6) NM or AZ 1859 1 (Cullum 917)
Fort Lacorne ??? ??? 1 Wade's Mackenzie of Canada.
Fort Lexington MO 1861+ 1 a Federal fort captured by the Confederates in 1861 or maybe 1862, called an important victory. Appears on my site once so far, (Cullum 2086), year 1866, characterized as "Ft. Lexington, Missouri River"
Fort Matilda ON 1813 1 in (Cullum 79)
Fort Rocky Mountain ??? ??? 1 Wade's Mackenzie of Canada.
Fort St. Joseph (1) LA 1700's 2 There were two Fort St. Joseph near each other, this one at Pointe Coupée, and one elsewhere: see LHQ Vol. I No. 4 p314.
Fort St. Joseph (2) LA 1700's 1 There were two Fort St. Joseph near each other, this one; and the other at Pointe Coupée: see LHQ Vol. I No. 4 p314.
Fort Stephenson (2) IA? 1800s 2 early 19c. Mentioned in at least 2 onsite books on Iowa history.
Fort Unalaska ? 1700s 2 Two very incidental bare mentions in Wade's Mackenzie of Canada.
Fort Vauligny ??? 1700s 1 Mentioned in passing in Wade's Mackenzie of Canada.
Fort Verde (2) BC 1800s 1 Esquimalt Naval Base, p136: "The Hudson's Bay Company closed its depot of Fort Verde on the Columbia River.".
Fort Waco TX 1870 1 (Cullum 1845).
Fort Wade (2) VA 1861-1865 2 Vol. 4, Ch. 26, he is made to point to the nearby ramparts of Fort Wade in talking with someone after the war, somewhere near Manassas. During the war itself, Freeman has him pointing to it too:Vol. 2, Ch. 24.
Ish's Fort ??? ??? 1 John Sevier's Journal, 24 Oct 1793.
Lafleur's Fort ??? ??? 1 Wade's Mackenzie of Canada.
Mission Santa Catalina GA? 1670 1 NPS booklet on Castillo San Marcos: "In 1670, a vessel bound for Charleston, mistakenly put in at Santa Catalina Mission, the Spanish post near the Savannah River…"
Nashville Ordnance Depot TN 1865 1 Temporary depot, according to this webpage out there, discontinued sometime after 1865. (Cullum 2008) was its commander June 30, 1865, to May 26, 1866.
Omaha Ordnance Depot NB 1872-1895 3 in (Cullum 2035)(Cullum 2372)(Cullum 2942)
Queen's Fort (3) RI 1 Not the one you have, but a ruin near Wickford, RI. The barest remnants, but it's still a fort, and of some historical interest: I even have a photograph of bits of it onsite, such as it is: George Ellis & John Morris, King Philip's War • Chapter 9

Groups of Camps

  • Temporary CONFEDERATE camps in New Orleans, 1861: "Towards the close of April a camp was established at Metairie Ridge. It was first known as Camp Metairie, but subsequently this name was changed to Camp Walker. It accommodated about 4,000 men. Later, it proved unhealthful, and was ultimately abandoned. Another camp was opened in what is now called Audubon Park. This was named Camp Lewis, in honor of the gallant old soldier, John L. Lewis." (Kendall's History of New Orleans, Vol. I, p240)
  • SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR camps, per Ganoe, pp375‑376, note: "During the war, camps were established for military purposes at Tampa, Fla.; Mobile, Ala.; Camp George H. Thomas, Ga.; Camp Alger, Va.; Camp Poland, Knoxville, Tenn.; Jacksonville, Fla.; Miami, Fla.; Fernandina, Fla.; Camp Wikoff, N. Y.; Camp Hamilton, near Lexington, Ky.; Camp George G. Meade, Pa.; Camp Wheeler, Huntsville, Ala.; and Camp Shipp, Anniston, Ala." I boldfaced Camp Thomas because it's by far and away the one most often mentioned, the main staging ground for the Spanish-American War.


Camps (edit list)
Camp State Dates Mentions Notes
Camp Atterbury IN 1944 1 (Cullum 13460).
Camp Audenried ?? 1880 1 (Cullum 2857).
Camp Augur (2) NB 1867 1 Not the same as Camp Augur (WY); in (Cullum 1842) it's tenanted as early as March, 1867, well before the WY camp was established.
Camp Bacon MN 1899 3 (Cullum 2252)(Cullum 3429)(Cullum 3903); see USGenNet on Spanish-American War Camps.
Camp Barrett CA 1898 1 (Cullum 2738)
Camp Bingham NB 1870 2 (Cullum 2247)(Cullum 2300)
Camp Blake TX 1854 3 (Cullum 968)(Cullum 1448)(Cullum 1615).
Camp Breckinridge KY 1943 1 (Cullum 13153). I don't think this is the Fort Breckinridge in KY from back in the Civil War.
Camp Buford DC 1863 2 (Cullum 1955)(Cullum 2016).
Camp Butler IL 1862 2 Civil War training camp (Cullum 1929) and prison camp for Confederates in "Chicago's Camp Douglas, 1861‑1865" — (J. Ill. S. H. S. 53:37‑63); in both, stated to be "near Springfield, Ill."
Camp Butner NC 1943-1944 1 (Cullum 6907).
Camp Calabaza NM 1860 1 (Cullum 1750).
Camp Canby NB 1873 1 (Cullum 3186).
Camp Cook (5) MT 1866, 1881 2 (Cullum 2106)(Cullum 2676).
Camp Cotton TX 1914 1 "El Paso, Tex." in (Cullum 2916).
Camp Courchesne TX 1918 1 "El Paso, Tex." in (Cullum 5337).
Camp Custer (3) NV 1876 1 (Cullum 1660). But this is probably a mistake for NB since the guy is nowhere near Nevada and his next post is in NB.
Camp Custer (4) NB 1876 4 (Cullum 2256)(Cullum 2498)(Cullum 2527)(Cullum 2569).
Camp Custer (5) IL? 1921 1 (Cullum 3904). Not clear where exactly, but the man is stationed at Fort Sheridan (2) and seems to shuttle back and forth between the two.
Camp Dalton MA 1898 1 (Cullum 2563): looks like a temporary camp for mustering in Massachusetts State Volunteers for the Spanish-American War.
Camp Datil NM 1884-1886 1 (Cullum 2954): see The Place Names of New Mexico.
Camp Davis (2) MD 1864 1 (Cullum 1875).
Camp Devin (2) WY 1878 2 (Cullum 2297)(Cullum 2707).
Camp Dick Robinson KY 1863 1 (Cullum 1986); also in FW's own entry, George H. Thomas. No doubt a Civil War training camp.
Camp Drywood Creek KS 1872‑1873 1 (Cullum 2384); but I also find a trace of it on p246 in House Docs, 42d Congress, 3d Session (1872‑73) — at GoogleBooks — a Post Surgeon being stationed there.
Camp Douglas (3) WI 1914 1 (Cullum 2792).
Camp Elkins WY 1891 1 (Cullum 2662).
Camp El Pico TX 1855 1 (Cullum 1484).
Camp Emmet Crawford WY 1908 2 (Cullum 2798) and (Cullum 2920): one of those called a Camp of Instruction.
Camp Emmet Crawford IA 1908 1 (Cullum 2371): I have a suspicion this is a mistake in Cullum, and that it should be WY.
Camp Forrest (2) GA 1918 2 (Cullum 2787) which has "Camp Forrest, Chickamauga Park, Ga." in 1918 • (Cullum 4754)(Cullum 5404).
Camp Gardiner TX 1854 1 (Cullum 1576).
Camp George Crook NB 1889 2 Maybe temporary? Mentioned in Ganoe, "field maneuvers of the Twenty-first Infantry at Camp George Crook near Fort Robinson, Nebraska" (1889); but also in (Cullum 2812) (7th Infantry, same year).
Camp Glenn NC 1911-1918 1 Conversion to a Naval Air Station shortly after that is discussed in Paine's 'First Yale Unit'; some details given in North Carolina Highway Historical Marker.
Camp Grant (7) NY 1885 1 (Cullum 2180): "Camp Grant, Riverside Park, New York city".
Camp Greble PA 1866‑1869 3 Civil War camp (Union): (Cullum 1657)(Cullum 1888)(Cullum 1916).
Camp Gruber OK 1943 1 (Cullum 13460).
Camp Harkins IT 1836 2 (Cullum 700)(Cullum 282).
Camp on Hat Creek MT 1874‑1877 1 (Cullum 2430).
Camp Haven CT 1898 1 (Cullum 2498).
Camp Hayes (2) OH 1917‑1945 1 Apparently a processing center in World War I and II; (Cullum 3260), where the year is 1925.
Camp Hayes (3) VA 1862 0 Temporary Civil War camp, see Ch. 17 of this bio of Rutherford Hayes: "Saturday, January 4, 1862. -- Major Comly calls his camp at Raleigh — notice: Raleigh, VA, not NC! — 'Camp Hayes.' "
Camp Henry TN 1793 1 Not the Civil War Fort; mentioned by John Sevier in his diary, Oct. 24, 1793.
Camp Hentig AZ 1882 1 Said to be a transient camp site, never anything official (North American Forts), but (Cullum 2783)
Camp Hoffman (2) KS 1867 1 (Cullum 2152), characterized as "on the Republican River". Pour mémoire, there's a slot already prepared for a different one, Camp Hoffman (MD), in Fort Lincoln (4).
Camp Hoskins IT 1836 1 (Cullum 777) Might this be a mistake for Camp Harkins??
Camp Kellogg ID 1899 1 (Cullum 3140). Also, Camp Wardner Kellogg. There does seem to have been a military camp by that name: a websearch turns up congressional testimony; see also this interesting page.
Camp Kirkwood IA 1861 1 (Cullum 1610).
Camp Las Laxas TX 1854 1 (Cullum 1387).
Camp Laurel MD 1918 1 (Cullum 4754) — an engineer who commanded it briefly.
Camp Leach DC 1918 2 (Cullum 2760)(Cullum 4763); described as a sub-post of Washington Barracks: prolly a World War I temporary camp.
Camp Lee (5) VA 1861‑1865 2 "located at the fair grounds on the present site of the Broad Street Terminal": Confederate recruiting camp thruout the War of Secession, mentioned twice so far on my site (18611864) "For the later history of Camp Lee . . . see 26 S. H. S. P, 241‑45."
Camp Limestone Creek KS 1872‑1873 2 (Cullum 2362)(Cullum 2384); but I also find a trace of it on p231 of the Official Register of the United States, 1871 — at GoogleBooks — an Assistant Surgeon being posted there.
Camp Lodor MT 1879 1 (Cullum 2604).
Camp Mackall NC 1943‑1944 1 An artilleryman (Cullum 10246) posted there.
Camp Mackenzie GA 1898 6 (Cullum 2278)(Cullum 2837)(Cullum 2856)(Cullum 2924): at Augusta. I suspect that this camp underlies many mentions of just plain "Augusta, Ga." in post assignments in Cullum. In (Cullum 3719), spelled "McKenzie". See some slight details, but of interest, in ["Augusta" in the New Georgia Encyclopedia].
Camp Mahoney WY 1873 1 (Cullum 2457).
Camp on Marias River MT 1871‑1878 7 (Cullum 1986)(Cullum 2018)(Cullum 2088)(Cullum 2409)(Cullum 2434)(Cullum 2618) all in 1878 and called "Camp"; (Cullum 2245) in 1871, not called "Camp".
Camp Marion SC 1898 1 (Cullum 2498). Seems to be a (temporary?) Spanish-American War camp.
Camp Marshall SC 1863 1 (Cullum 1833). One of the umpteen temporary Civil War stations I guess.
Camp McAllen TX 1919 1 (Cullum 4381) who commanded it; right next to the Mexican border, I think.
Camp McKeon WI Terr.? 1840 1 Mentioned by Ganoe (History of the United States Army, p187) as the staging point for the campaign against the Winnebago Indians.
Camp McRae TN 1863 2 (Cullum 1960)(Cullum 1993), "near Memphis, Ten."
Camp on Medicine Bow Creek MT 1883 2 (Cullum 2530) and probably (Cullum 2413) which has "Medicine Bow, Wy." Probably the same as next item.
Camp Medicine Butte MT 1886-1887 1 (Cullum 2906). Probably the same as preceding item.
Camp Mercedes TX 1920 1 (Cullum 4381). Some info on this page.
Camp Murray UT 1885 2 (Cullum 2583)(Cullum 2703).
Camp Myer's Spring TX 1884 1 (Cullum 2771).
Camp Nevin KY 1861 2 (Cullum 1235)(Cullum 1734). Seems to have been very temporary, maybe only two months at the end of 1861.
Camp Osborne ID 1859 2 (Cullum 2963)(Cullum 2439) has "Osborn", but I think that's a mistake. ▸ Interesting resource: 1900 census of all the soldiers at the post.
Camp Osgood WA 1859 1 (Cullum 1440).
Camp Page TX 1847 1 (Cullum 1252), in connection with the Mexican War.
Camp Parole MD 1861 1 A Union post during the War of Secession. On my site, p275 of Norris's history of Annapolis, and offsite at North American Forts with dates and a further link to a MD roadside marker. It's connected to Camp Richmond also near Annapolis, which doesn't have a page on FortWiki (not Fort Richmond).
Camp Pattison OH 1906 1 (Cullum 2887). A maneuver, training, or other temporary camp.
Camp Perry OH 1909‑1913 14 Ganoe p436, speaking of the training of National Guard to uniform national standards: "In rifle practice 43 militia teams attended the national match at Camp Perry, Ohio. Also (Cullum 2397)(Cullum 2478)(Cullum 2526)(Cullum 2591)(Cullum 2625)(Cullum 2684)(Cullum 2736)(Cullum 2852)(Cullum 3041)(Cullum 3433)(Cullum 4477)(Cullum 4605)(Cullum 4848)(Cullum 6053)AOG obituary of Guy William McClelland. Seems to have been a seasonal camp used only for rifle competitions.
Camp Porter MT 1880‑1881 2 (Cullum 2574)(Cullum 2906).
Camp Quapaw IT 1880-1881 1 (Cullum 2539). I also find an 1862 instance of it in official correspondence,
Camp Rains DT 1878 1 (Cullum 2688).
Camp Ramsey MN 1898 1 (Cullum 2924). May have been just a temporary mustering camp during the Spanish-American War.
Camp Ricketts TX 1852 1 (Cullum 1345) (that's Gen. A.P. Hill): "Camp Ricketts (Edinburg), Tex., 1852".
Camp on Rio la Plata CO 1880-1881 2 (Cullum 2500)(Cullum 2538). Also called "Cantonment".
Camp Rockingham TX 1917 1 (Cullum 5337); at Salem, NH.
Camp Roosevelt ?? 1906 1 (Cullum 2970).
Camp Rosario TX 1859 1 (Cullum 1726).
Camp Sargent NB 1867 2 (Cullum 1387)(Cullum 2070).
Camp Schofield IT 1889 4 (Cullum 1842)(Cullum 2280)(Cullum 2599)(Cullum 2985).
Camp Sequoia CA 1910 1 (Cullum 3140).
Camp Sheridan (2) TX 1866 4 "near San Antonio"; (Cullum 1919)(Cullum 2153)(Cullum 2154)(Cullum 2155).
Camp Sibert (1) AL 1865 0 Was apparently a chemical warfare post; see this interesting US Army Corps of Engineers PDF document.
Camp on Snake River WY 1880‑1883 8 (Cullum 2407)(Cullum 2430)(Cullum 2435)(Cullum 2581)(Cullum 2637)(Cullum 2677)(Cullum 2787)(Cullum 2809).
Camp Thomas (3) OH 1865 2 =(Cullum 2084)(Cullum 2104).
Camp Thomas (4) WA 1856 1 (Cullum 1555).
Camp Taliaferro TX 1917‑1918 1 Not too sure you want to do these, but it was an aviation training camp of some importance during World War I. Wickedpedia has an entry. On my site, it shows up in Paine's First Yale Unit, p206
Camp Trinidad TX 1868‑1869 1 (Cullum 2153).
Camp Tyson TN 1941… 0 The Wikipedia article for Laurence Davis Tyson (he is (Cullum 3019)) reports that "Camp Tyson, the World War II U.S. Army training post near Paris, Tennessee was named for him."
Camp Union (2) WV 1774 0 Before there was a West Virginia of course; in Lord Dunmore's War.
Camp Wade OK 1889 2 (Cullum 2620)(Cullum 3268).
Camp Wallace (1) TX 1942 1 (Cullum 4690).
Camp Washington (2) MD 1882 1 (Cullum 1650).
Camp Wetherell (2) SC 1898-1899 1 (Cullum 3032).
Camp Williams VA 1868 4 (Cullum 1888)(Cullum 2204)(Cullum 2206)(Cullum 2241).
Camp Wilson (3) AK 1853 1 Very likely just a temporary camp, but historically important because it was the departure point for Whipple's Explorations of 1853. He locates it precisely by astronomical and chronometrical observation, see my note and map at [5].
Camp Winder VA 1864 2 Confederate. One of the defenses of Richmond (AOG obituary of John Archer); also a hospital camp in Richmond (Freeman's Lee, Vol. 2 ch. 5).
Camp Wood (4) KY 1861‑1862 1 (Cullum 1833).
Wood Camp NY 1873‑1874 1 (Cullum 2421).
Cantonment North Fork Canadian River ID 1872-1880 8 Sometimes, although not as often, called "Camp" on North Fork Canadian River. (Cullum 1387)(Cullum 2253)(Cullum 2308)(Cullum 2410)(Cullum 2687)(Cullum 2691)(Cullum 2781). Also, (Cullum 2746) mentions a "Cantonment at the mouth of Canadian River" (1881), which I think is the same place. It seems to have been established by General Dodge in his first explorations of the area.

  • Camp CALOOSAHATCHEE (FL): may well be Fort Thompson (3) — but maybe not: it is called Camp C. by Colonel R. H. Wilson (in a history of the Eighth Infantry) speaking of events of 1841: he says it was destroyed by a "tornado" in September of that year.
  • Camp CONNOR (ID): The one I was looking for, I found, hiding under "Fort Reno (2)". But in the process I found one on Wickedpedia (possibly misspelled for Conner? see the WP entry) was in Idaho, 1863; they cite Frazer.
  • Camp COOK (MN) In (Cullum 2091): "Camp Cook (Min.)" called a regimental headquarters, year 1867. Yet maybe Montana?? is meant, since the guy is next stationed to a fort in Montana. See next:
  • Camp COOK (MT) In (Cullum 2106), year 1866, I find a "Camp Cook (Mon.)" Ditto in (Cullum 2676) in connection with the construction of the Northern Pacific Railroad. If those are typos, they're Cullum's in the printed text.
  • Cantonment MILLER (MN) Cullum has at least 3 references to it. In MN so it's not Jeff Barracks. All three dates are 1855‑56.
  • A "Camp of Concentration and Instruction" at Mt. Gretna, PA. Three times so far onsite, in connection with training maneuvers in 1901 and in 1906: (Cullum 2406)(Cullum 3222)(Cullum 3369)


  • JACKSON Barracks (TN). at least once so far in Cullum, (Cullum 2605), date is 1885‑86. Some evidence online that there is or was such a place: sports team by that name plays in Tennessee….


Army Airfields

One or two might be overseas, and a few might be naval fields.

Airfields (edit list)
Field State Dates Mentions Notes
Barksdale Field LA 1932‑36 1 (Cullum 5091)
Bennett Field NY 1941-43 4 On my site, all the mentions are in The Navy's Air War; useful information for writing the FW page is given only in one of them, Chapter 30.
Biggs Field TX 1942 1 (Cullum 6906)
Buckley Field CO 19nnn 1 (Cullum 5947)
Call Field TX 1918 2 (Cullum 5236) and the AOG obituary
Carlstrom Field FL 1918-22 3 (Cullum 4687)(Cullum 6059)History of United States Naval Aviation (Turnbull & Lord), Chapter 21
Chanute Field IL 1917-41 5 (Cullum 4678)(Cullum 4779)(Cullum 6906)History of United States Naval Aviation (Turnbull & Lord), Chapter 21The Navy's Air War • Chapter 28
Clark Field nnn 19nnn 0
Crissy Field CA 1924-27 2
Dorr Field FL 1917-19 1 (Cullum 4687)(Cullum 5311)
Dudley Field nnn 19nnn 0
Duncan Field TX 1926-30 1 (Cullum 4016)
Ellington Field TX 1918 2 (Cullum 4898), incidental mention under biographical sketch of Gen. Spaatz in Waugh's history of West Point
Farragut Field nnn 19nnn 0
Gilliam Field nnn 19nnn 0
Godman Field KY 1945-46 1 (Cullum 10494)
Guardia Field nnn 19nnn nnn
Hamilton Field CA 1939-41 2 (Cullum 5091)(Cullum 5634)
Hicks Field nnn 19nnn 1
Howze Field nnn 19nnn 0
Langley Field VA 1920-41 9 (Cullum 3621)(Cullum 4678)(Cullum 4687)(Cullum 4810)(Cullum 4911)(Cullum 5634)(Cullum 6906). Often in connection with the Air Corps Tactical School. One mention of the Roma disaster.
Lawrence Field nnn 19nnn nnn
Logan Field nnn 19nnn nnn
Love Field nnn 19nnn nnn
March Field nnn 19nnn nnn
Marshall Field nnn 19nnn nnn
Mather Field nnn 19nnn nnn
Maxwell Field nnn 19nnn nnn
Miller Field nnn 19nnn nnn
Mitchel Field nnn 19nnn nnn
Moffett Field nnn 19nnn nnn
Moore Field nnn 19nnn nnn
Nichols Field nnn 19nnn nnn
Patterson Field nnn 19nnn nnn
Post Field nnn 19nnn nnn
Randolph Field nnn 19nnn nnn
Rockwell Field nnn 19nnn nnn
Scott Field nnn 19nnn nnn
Selfridge Field nnn 19nnn nnn
Souther Field nnn 19nnn nnn
Stewart Field nnn 19nnn nnn
Williams Field nnn 19nnn nnn
Wright Field nnn 19nnn nnn


  • Fort CLARK (7):
    • in NC, Confederate, with a bunch of others, Hamilton, History of North Carolina):
      • ". . . defences were begun at Ocracoke Inlet, at Hatteras Inlet and on Roanoke Island. On Beacon Island at Ocracoke, Fort Morgan was erected and at Hatteras Forts Ellis and Clark. On Roanoke Island were Forts Huger, Blanchard, and Bartow, all on the western side of the island on Croatan Sound, and a battery at Ballast Point on the eastern side commanding the entrance to Manteo or Shallow Bay. Across Croatan Sound, on the mainland was Fort Forrest. At Cobb's Point on the Pasquotank River was another battery. None of these were real forts, the strongest, Fort Ellis, having only twelve smooth-bore 32‑pounders."
      • The battery at Cobb's Point is called a "fort" by Merrill, The Rebel Shore, pp96 ff. in which the action is described that led to its being blown up.
  • Around Pensacola: Batteries LINCOLN, CAMERON, and TOTTEN; Battery SCOTT within firing range of Fort McRee. In the Bearss article, "Civil War Operations in and around Pensacola". <<== Don't normally document civil war batteries (there were a gazillion of them) but I may do these after I visit there this month

Unresolved for now

  • Yet another Fort ADAMS, this one apparently in IL, mentioned by Sidney Breese in Ch. 23 of his Early History of Illinois. <<== Can't find any reference to this one. ▸ Sidney Breese was a contemporary and a long-time resident and political figure in Illinois, so he may very well be right, so I'm leaving this one for now as unresolved.
  • Fort COBB: Cullum has one instance each of a Fort Cobb in Texas and in Colorado.
    • Fort Cobb <== Oklahoma (none in Texas or Colorado perhaps one in North Carolina)
  • JACKSON Barracks (TN). Appears once in Cullum 2605, date 1885‑86. <== Not found in TN.
    • I ran a thorough check of all the West Point material I have on hard disk, and found 135 mentions of Jackson Barracks; 134 in LA, and just this one in "TN". Must be a mistake in Cullum — but the error is such a strange one (how would anyone come to write "Ten." for "La."?) that it may be a different mistake. One idea I had ▸ Johnson Barracks? since Andrew Johnson was a Tennessean and military governor of Tennessee for a while. So I'm leaving this up, although in the "Completed" section.
  • I also find a Camp JACKSON in Gayarré's History of Louisiana, [(V.11)], in that State during the War of 1812, in connection with Gen. Jackson himself. <== likely a temporary camp I couldn't find a reference
  • I find a lone Fort LARNED, Neb. (rather than Kan.) in (Cullum 1808). Mistake in Cullum? Date: 1860‑61. <<== don't find one in Nebraska
  • Fort MASSACHUSETTS (NM). Yup, there's one in New Mexico too. I've already prepared the slot as "Fort Massachusetts (5)" on the disambiguation page. <== Not found in NM
  • The remaining SUMNER items are now therefore:
    • A Camp Sumner, Kan. (that is not Fort Atkinson (2): in Cullum 687, 1247 and [6] incidentally described as "Ft. Leavenworth (Camp Sumner), Kan., 1849". I'm assuming it's Fort Leavenworth, although FortWiki doesn't list "Camp Sumner" among Leavenworth's alternative names.
    • Camp Sumner (1) - A U.S. Army Camp at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas <== Not able to find this one yet