Category:Nevada Not Visited: Difference between revisions

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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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<googlemap version="0.9" lat="38.873929" lon="-116.652832" zoom="6" type="map" width="600" height="600" controls="large" scale="yes" overview="yes" icons="{label}.png">
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="38.873929" lon="-116.652832" zoom="6" type="map" width="-800" height="-600" controls="large" scale="yes" overview="yes" icons="{label}.png">
(F) 39.2925, -119.27056
[[Fort Churchill]]<br>(1860-1871)
(F) 40.067778, -115.529444, Fort Ruby
(F) 36.18033, -115.13360
[[Fort Baker (2)]]<br>(1855-1858, 1862-1867)
(F) 41.5435090, -119.0257416, Fort McGarry
(F) 38.5447353, -118.6576278
[[Hawthorne Army Depot]]<br>(1930-Present)
(F) 36.1133128, -114.688872, Fort Call (1)
(F) 41.972183, -117.622318
[[Fort McDermit]]<br>(1865-1889)
(F) 39.97244, -114.07501, Fort Trinity (2)
(F) 40.067778, -115.529444
[[Fort Ruby]]<br>(1862-1869)
(F) 39.789167, -114.685
(C) 35.709052, -114.7111207, Camp El Dorado
[[Fort Schellbourne]]<br>(1860-1869)
(F) 39.5695400, -119.4724130
(C) 36.6252104, -116.0252164, Camp Desert Rock
[[Fort Storey]]<br>(1860-1860)
(F) 40.8082578, -115.3361666
(C) 40.55306, -119.94944, Camp Smoke Creek
[[Fort Halleck (2)]]<br>(1867-1886)
(F) 39.8583333, -119.4158333
(C) 40.71268, -119.33769, Camp McKee (2)
[[Fort Haven]]<br>(1860-1860)
(F) 39.004211, -119.844961, Fort Genoa
(C) 40.73694, -116.10528, Carlin Reservation
(C) 37.8718750, -117.9495479, Camp Fish Lake
(C) 40.55083, -119.94806, Camp Pollock
<!-- Radar Sites -->
(D) 39.65249, -119.88241, Stead SAGE Direction Center DC-16
(R) 38.05167, -117.22556, Tonopah Air Force Station
<!-- FAA Radar Sites -- .
(R) 40.40306, -116.86778, Battle Mountain FAA Radar Site
(R) 38.05167, -117.22556, Tonopah FAA Radar Site

Latest revision as of 09:08, 6 February 2022


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