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Washington DC Fort Ring (edit list)
Fort State County Owner Visible Perim Guns GPS Notes
Fort Albany (1) VA Arlington James Roach and heirs,
J.R. Johnson
No 429 yds 8/4 38.86509,
Battery Bailey (1) MD Montgomery Shoemaker family Yes 0/6 38.95261,
Fort Baker (3) DC Southeast Sarah E. Anderson, Ann A.C. Naylor;
Susan M. Naylor
No 492 yds 22/3 38.86222,
Fort Barnard VA Arlington Philip J. Buckey, Sewall B. Corbettt No 250 yds 19/3 38.84919,
Battery Bayard (2) DC Northwest Unk No 0/3 38.95543,
Fort Bayard (1) DC Northwest Unk No 123 yds 6/2 38.95528,
Fort Bennett (3) VA Arlington Wm. B. Ross, John H. Bogue,
B.B. Lloyd
No 146 yds 5/0 38.90025,
Fort Berry VA Arlington Sewall B. Corbettt No 215 yds 4/6 38.85559,
Fort Buffalo VA Fairfax No 38.87201,
Fort Bunker Hill (1) DC Northeast Henry Quinn Yes 205 yds 13/0 38.93539,
Fort C.F. Smith (2) VA Arlington Thomas Jewell Yes 368 yds 19/6 38.90083,
Battery Cameron DC Northwest J.H. Phillips No 4/0 38.91564,
Battery Georgetown
Battery Carroll DC Southeast Unk No 0/4 38.83709,
Fort Carroll (3) DC Southeast Fenwick Young Yes 340 yds 14/8 38.83735,
Fort Cass (2) VA Arlington Mary Randolph Lee,
U.S. Government
No 288 yds 3/1 38.88519,
Fort Ramsay (1)
Chain Bridge Battery DC Northwest Unk No 2/0 38.930326,
Fort Chaplin DC Southeast Selby B. Scaggs Yes 225 yds 1/11 38.88917,
Fort Corcoran VA Arlington William H. Ross No 576 yds 5/5 38.89626,
Fort Craig (3) VA Arlington Septimus Brown,
Samuel Carison, Elliot
No 324 yds 12/1 38.87041,
Fort Davis (7) DC Southeast Major Sayles J. Bowen,
Daniel F. Lee
Yes 12/2 38.86639,
Fort De Russy (1) DC Northwest B.T. Swart Yes 190 yds 11/2 38.96331,
Fort DuPont (2) DC Southeast Michael Caton Yes? 200 yds 9/6 38.87279,
Fort Ellsworth (2) VA Alexandria Henry Rozier Dulany, Rebecca Ann Dulany Some? 618 yds 20/7 38.806,
Fort Ethan Allen (2) VA Arlington Stephen & Mrs. E.M. Meredith Yes 736 yds 45/4 38.92444,
Fort Farnsworth VA Fairfax No 255 yds 10/3 38.78861,
Fort Foote (1) MD Prince George's Francis W. Rozier & wife,
Mrs. M.A. Hill,, Benedict Edelin
Yes 10/0 38.76764,
Battery Gaines DC Northwest 38.93917,
Fort Gaines (4) DC Northwest William A.T. Maddox;
Mr. Loughborough
No 171 yds 6/1 38.93611,
Battery Garesche (2) VA Arlington Margeret B. Dangerfield No 166 yds 8/0 38.83843,
Fort Greble (1) DC Southwest William & Thomas M. Berry,
John C. McFerron,
Lucien and Miss Eliza Berry
Yes 327 yds 17/0 38.82590,
Fort Haggerty VA Arlington Owen; Mary Murray & heirs,
Thomas Cozar, Guardian
No 128 yds 4/0 38.89611,
Battery Jameson MD Prince George's John Veitch Yes 80 yds 1/14 38.92796,
Fort Jackson (8) VA Arlington No 38.87129,
Fort Kearny (5) DC Northwest John Magee Unk 320 yds 10/1 38.94833,
Battery Kemble DC Northwest William A.T. Maddox Yes 2/0 38.93067,
Battery Kingsbury (2) DC Northwest Trace 0/9 38.96333,
Fort Lincoln (2) DC Northeast John Veitch No 466 yds 34/0 38.92591,
Fort Lyon (3) VA Fairfax Unk Yes 937 yds 38/0 38.79389,
Battery Mahan (2) DC Northeast No 0/4 38.895,
Fort Mahan DC Northeast Unk Yes 352 yds 22/2 38.8944444,
Fort Mansfield (2) MD Montgomery Thomas Dean family, Samuel Shoemaker No 220 yds 11/2 38.95297,
Fort Marcy (3) VA Fairfax Gilbert Vanderwerken Yes 338 yds 20/1 38.93441,
Battery Martin Scott DC Northwest Scott James Weaver
C & O Canal Co.
Trace 3/0 38.93056,
Fort McPherson (3) VA Arlington No 38.87273,
Fort Meigs (2) MD Prince George's Mrs. Stow
Mr. Joseph Trimble
No 500 yds 25/8 38.87351,
Battery Morris (3) DC Northeast No 0/7 38.92889,
Fort Morton (2) VA Arlington No 250 yds 6/4 38.89192,
Fort Munson VA Fairfax Daniel O. Munson No 38.86026,
Fort O'Rourke VA Fairfax No 160 yds 13/3 38.78704,
Battery Parrott (2) DC Northwest Ellen J. King
John H. King
Trace 2/0 38.92055,
Fort Ramsay (2) VA Arlington Charles Upton No 38.87284,
Fort Upton (2)
Battery Reno DC Northwest No 7/3 38.95571,
Fort Reno (1) DC Northwest Giles Dyer
Mrs. James C. Dyer
Miles Dyer
No 917 yds 21/6 38.952768,
Fort Pennsylvania
Fort Reynolds (2) VA Arlington George W. Chase, L.E. Chittenden,
Edward B. Powell, Mary Walker
No 300 yds 13/1 38.83824,
Fort Richardson (3) VA Arlington Yes 316 yds 14/3 38.85773,
Fort Ricketts DC Southeast J.H. Smith
George Washington Talburtt
Yes 123 yds 4/0 38.85786,
Battery Ricketts
Battery Rodgers VA Alexandria Samuel O. Bogot
Manassas Gap Railroad
No 330 yds 6/0 38.79587,
Battery Rossell DC Northwest No 0/8 38.95457,
Fort Runyon VA Arlington James Roach and heirs No 1484 yds 38.86985,
Fort Saratoga DC Northeast John B. Kibbey
William. Kibbey
Executor, Ann McDaniels
No 153 yds 8/1 38.92944,
Fort Scott (5) VA Arlington L.E. Chittenden, Hunter family Yes 313 yds 10/0 38.8475,
Fort Sedgwick (2) DC Southeast John Kennedy No 38.88417,
Kennedy's Hill Fort
Fort Scaggs DC Northeast Selby B. Scaggs No 0/6 38.89112,
Not Armed
Fort Craven
Fort of Circular Form
Battery Sill DC Northwest Trace 0/9 38.96111,
Fort Simmons MD Montgomery S.F. & L. Burrows
Charles Shoemaker
No 177 yds 8/3 38.95209,
Battery Simmons MD Montgomery S.F. & L. Burrows
Charles Shoemaker
No 0/4 38.95182,
Fort Slemmer DC Northeast Henry Douglass No 93 yds 4/0 38.93972,
Fort Slocum (1) DC Northwest John F. Callan,
L.E. Chittenden
Mary Walker
No 655 yds 25/15 38.96016,
Battery Smead DC Northwest B.T. Swart No 170 yds 4/4 38.96139,
Fort Snyder (2) DC Southeast Joseph & Thomas Jenkins,
Badcock Williams
No 210 yds 8/0 38.84694,
Fort Stanton (2) DC Southeast George Washington Talburtt Yes 322 yds 16/8 38.86139,
Fort Stevens (2) DC Northwest Emory Chapel/Methodist Church
Elizabeth Thomas (?)
Rec 375 yds 19/3 38.96436,
Fort Massachusetts (2)
Fort Strong (1) VA Arlington Thomas Dawson,
Allen Pearce
No 318 yds 15/2 38.89694,
Fort DeKalb
Fort Sumner (3) MD Montgomery Albert Lodge No 843 yds 30/13 38.95669,
Fort Taylor (7) VA Falls Church L. William Taylor No 6 38.87476,
Battery Terrill (2) DC Northwest No 0/7 38.95694,
Fort Thayer DC Northeast Charles B. Calvert, Executor No 180 yds 8/0 38.92884,
Fort Tillinghast VA Arlington Columbus Alexander No 298 yds 13/1 38.8785,
Battery Totten DC Northeast George Thomas Yes 38.95070,
Fort Totten (2) DC Northeast George Thomas Yes 272 yds 20/0 38.9479,
Battery Vermont DC Northwest U.S. Government No 3/1 38.9375,
Fort Wagner (2) DC Southeast Judson Richardson No 166 yds 5/0 38.86,
Fort Good Hope
Fort Ward (1) VA Alexandria Yes 815 yds 24/0
Fort Washington (1) MD Prince George's Yes 38.71112,
Fort Weed VA Fairfax No 253 yds 11/1 38.78929,
Fort Whipple (1) VA Arlington Mary Randolph Lee
U.S. Government
No 38.88424,
Fort Williams (4) VA Alexandria Samuel Cooper, Willam Silvey,
George A. Smith, John Williams
Some 250 yds 15/0 38.8118,
Fort Willard VA Fairfax Samuel R. Johnson
Josiah Willard
Yes 240 yds 16/2 38.78274,
Fort Woodbury VA Arlington John Lambden No 275 yds 13/1 38.88966,
Fort Worth (2) VA Alexandria William Silvey No 463 yds 28/3 38.81472,