Category:Washington Blockhouses: Difference between revisions

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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 2: Line 2:
[[Image:Davis Blockhouse - 1 - Version 2.jpg|795px|thumb|left|Davis Blockhouse on Whidbey Island]]
[[Image:Davis Blockhouse - 1 - Version 2.jpg|795px|thumb|left|Davis Blockhouse on Whidbey Island]]
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="47.405785" lon="-121.014404" zoom="7" width="800" height="500" type="map" controls="large" scale="yes" overview="yes" icons="{label}.png">
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="47.405785" lon="-121.014404" zoom="7" width="-800" height="-500" type="map" controls="large" scale="yes" overview="yes" icons="{label}.png">
(F) 48.220934, -122.688618, Alexander Blockhouse
(F) 48.220934, -122.688618, Alexander Blockhouse
Line 39: Line 39:
(O) 46.71975, -122.98314, Fort Borst
(O) 46.71975, -122.98314, Fort Borst
Original Location
Original Location
(F) 47.6570, -122.4182, Fort Decatur
(F) 47.6570, -122.4182, Fort Decatur (1)
(F) 47.557864, -122.318162, Fort Duwamish
(F) 47.557864, -122.318162, Fort Duwamish

Latest revision as of 07:51, 23 May 2019

Davis Blockhouse on Whidbey Island


Washington All Washington Counties

Washington Blockhouses (edit list)
No. Name Located Source Notes
Erected at the Expense of the Quartermaster or by Volunteer Troops
1 Fort Alden 2.5 miles above Snoqualmie Falls on Rangers's Prairie 1,4 Built by Northern Battalion
1 Fort Borst Chehalis River below mouth of Skookum Chuck 1,2,4
1 Fort at Cowlitz Landing Cowlitz Landing 1,4 Stockaded
1 Fort Decatur Seattle 1,4
1 Fort Ebey (2) On Ebey Island in Snohomish River 1,4
2 Fort Hays (2) Connel's Prairie 1,2,4 Built by Volunteers
2 Fort Hicks Montgomery's 1,4 Built by Pioneer Co.
1 Fort Lander On Dewamish 1,4 Built by Volunteers
1 Fort at Lone Tree Point On Lone Tree Point near La Conner 4,5 Built by Volunteers
1 Fort Mason (3) Wilson's Point 1,4,5
1 Fort McAllister (2) South Prairie 1,4 Built by Volunteers
1 Fort Miller (2) Tenalquot Plains 1,4 Built by Volunteers
2 Fort Pike (4) Crossing of White River 1,4 Built by Volunteers
1 Fort Posey Crossing of White River 1
1 Fort Preston (3) Michel's Fork of Nisqually 1,4 Built by Volunteers
Capt. Miller's company
1 Fort Raglan Nisqually River, Packards Ferry 1,4 Built by Volunteers, Stockaded
1 Fort Stevens (3) Yelm Prairie 1,4 Built by Volunteers
1 Fort Tilton 1.5 miles below Snoqualmie Falls on Rangers's Prairie 1,4 Built by Volunteers
Northern Battalion
1 Fort White (2) Crossing of Puyallup 1,4
2 Olympia Blockhouse Olympia 1,4,5
1 Unknown Lewis River 1
1 Unknown Lowe's on Chambers Praire 1
1 Unknown Port Townsend 1
1 Unknown Bellingham Bay 1
1 Unknown Vancouver 1 Built by Capt. Kelly's Company
1 Unknown Fourth Prairie 1
1 Unknown Washougle 1
1 Unknown Klickatat Prairie near Cowlitz 1
1 Unknown French settlement, near Cowlitz Farms 1
1 Unknown Skookum Chuck 1
Built by Settlers
1 Alexander Blockhouse Whidbey Island 1,4
0 Bush Stockade Bush's 1
2 Chambers Blockhouse Chambers Prairie 1,4,5
2 Crockett Blockhouse Whidbey Island 1,4
1 Davis Blockhouse Whidbey Island 1
1 Dofflemyer Blockhouse Dofflemyer's 1
4 Ebey Blockhouse Whidbey Island 1,4
1 Fort Arkansas Near Castle Rock, on the East side of Cowlitz River 1,4 Built by Henry Jackson
1 Fort Cagle Near Castle Rock, on the West side of Cowlitz River 1,4 Built by William Cagle
1 Fort Eaton Eaton Prairie 1,4 Nathan Eaton
2 Fort Henness Mound Prairie 1,4
0 Goodell Stockade Goodell's 1
1 Port Gamble Blockhouse Port Gamble 1 Built by Capt. Joshua Keller
? Fort Nugent West of Oak Harbor 4,5
0 Stockade at Cochran's Skookum Chuck 1
2 Unknown Falls, near Olympia 1
1 Unknown Tenalquet Prairie 1
1 Unknown Lewis River 1
1 Unknown Mime Prairie 1
1 Unknown Meigs' Mill 1
2 Unknown Cascades 1
1 Unknown Boise Fort 1
Built by Regular Troops
1 Blockhouse on the Black River Black River 1
1 Fort Maloney Puyallup River 1,2,3,4 Built by Captain Maurice Maloney and 4th U.S. Infantry
1 Fort Mason (6) Mill Creek, Walla Walla Valley 1,4 Built by 9th U.S. Infantry
1 Fort Naches Naches River 9 miles above Yakima 3,4 Built by Colonel George Wright and 9th U.S. Infantry
4 Fort Simcoe Toppenish Creek near the site of Haller's defeat near Yakama 2,3,4 Built by Major Robert S. Garnett and 9th U.S. Infantry
1 Fort Slaughter Muckleshoot Prairie 1,2,3,4 Built by Captain Erasmus Darwin and 9th U.S. Infantry
? Fort Taylor (3) East of Starbuck, Vicinity of Walla Walla 4 Built by Colonel George Wright and 9th U.S. Infantry
1 Fort Thomas (3) Green River 1,2,3,4 Built by 4th U.S. Infantry
1 Fort Townsend Olympic Peninsula, south of Port Townsend 4 Built by Captain Granville O. Haller, 4th U.S. Infantry

1. Whiting, J.S., Forts of the State of Washington: A record of Military and Semi-Military Establishments Designated as Forts, Kelly Printing Company, Seattle, Second Edition, 1951, page 4-11
2. Hart, Herbert M., Tour Guide to Old Western Forts, Pruett Publishing Co., Boulder CO, 1980, ISBN 0-87108-568-2, page 177-192
3. Roberts, Robert B., Encyclopedia of Historic Forts: The Military, Pioneer, and Trading Posts of the United States, Macmillan, New York, 1988, 10th printing, ISBN 0-02-926880-X, page829-839,
4. History Link - Forts of Washington Territory
5. McDaniel, Nancy L., A Sound Defense: Military Historical Sites of Puget Sound, Self Published, 2013, 365 pages, ISBN 978-0-9759044-2-8