Category:Virginia Forts: Difference between revisions

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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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(26 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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<googlemap version="0.9" lat="37.935533" lon="-79.73877" zoom="7" width="800" type="map" height="400" controls="large" scale="yes" overview="yes" icons="{label}.png">
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="37.935533" lon="-79.73877" zoom="7" width="-800" type="map" height="-400" controls="large" scale="yes" overview="yes" icons="{label}.png">
(F) 37.3057371, -76.9965219, Fort Pocahontas (2)
(F) 37.3057371, -76.9965219, Fort Pocahontas (2)
Line 11: Line 11:
(F) 37.1090014, -76.7222875, Bacon's Castle
(F) 37.1090014, -76.7222875, Bacon's Castle
(F) 38.830256, -77.102641
[[Fort Ward]]<br>(1861-1865)
(F) 38.8969444, -77.0880556
[[Fort Strong]]<br>(1861-1865)
(F) 38.900833, -77.090556
[[Fort C.F. Smith (2)]]<br>(1863-1865)

(F) 37.004129, -76.307237
(F) 37.004129, -76.307237, Fort Monroe
[[Fort Monroe]]<br>(1819-2011)
(F) 36.986786, -76.301143
(F) 36.986786, -76.301143, Fort Wool (1)
[[Fort Wool (1)]]<br>(1826-1946)
(F) 38.71659, -77.053514
(F) 38.71659, -77.053514, Fort Hunt
[[Fort Hunt]]<br>(1899-1946)
(F) 36.92739, -76.020756
(F) 36.92739, -76.020756, Fort Story
[[Fort Story]]<br>(1917-Cur)
(F) 37.1334295, -75.9563076
(F) 37.1334295, -75.9563076, Fort John Custis]
[[Fort John Custis]]<br>[[Fort Winslow]]<br>(1940-1981)
[[Fort Winslow]]<br>(1940-1981)
(F) 37.1593, -76.5752
(F) 37.1593, -76.5752, Fort Eustis
[[Fort Eustis]]<br>(1918-Present)
(F) 37.249053, -77.332431
(F) 37.249053, -77.332431, Fort Lee (4)
[[Fort Lee (4)]]<br>(1917-Present)
(F) 37.0533, -77.9491
(F) 37.0533, -77.9491, Fort Pickett
[[Fort Pickett]]<br>(1941-Present)
(F) 36.8884137, -76.3598805, Craney Island Fort
(F) 36.8884137, -76.3598805, Craney Island Fort
(1813-1815, 1862)
(1813-1815, 1862)

(F) 36.9319,  -81.9684
(F) 36.9319,  -81.9684, Fort Elk Garden
[[Fort Elk Garden]]<br>(1774-1794)
(F) 37.099812, -81.55812
(F) 37.099812, -81.55812, Fort Witten
[[Fort Witten]]<br>(1774-1794)

(F) 36.900733, -82.306084
(F) 36.900733, -82.306084, Fort Byrd
[[Fort Byrd]]<br>(1774-1794)
(F) 36.895273, -82.096667
(F) 36.895273, -82.096667, Fort Christian
[[Fort Christian]]<br>(1774-1794)
(F) 36.877359, -82.273827
(F) 36.877359, -82.273827, Fort Preston
[[Fort Preston]]<br>(1774-1794)
(F) 36.767415, -82.58227
(F) 36.767415, -82.58227, Fort Blackmore
[[Fort Blackmore]]<br>(1774-1794)
(F) 37.029683, -81.681567
(F) 37.029683, -81.681567, Maiden Springs Fort
[[Maiden Springs Fort]]<br>(1774-1794)
(F) 36.694750, -82.753533
(F) 36.694750, -82.753533, Fort Lee (1)
[[Fort Lee (1)]]<br>(1774-1794)
(F) 38.080893, -79.844949, Fort Dinwiddie (1)
(F) 38.7083526, -77.1463609, Fort Belvoir
(F) 38.8718621, -77.0775355, Fort Myer
(F) 38.117778, -77.276389, Fort A.P Hill

(F) 38.080893, -79.844949
<!-- CW Arlington -->
[[Fort Dinwiddie (1)]]<br>(1755-1789)
(F) 38.86509, -77.06569, Fort Albany (1)
(F) 38.7083526, -77.1463609
[[Fort Belvoir]]<br>(1917-Present)
(F) 38.87129, -77.04141, Fort Jackson (8)
(F) 38.8718621, -77.0775355
[[Fort Myer]]<br>(1862-Present)
(F) 38.86985, -77.04508, Fort Runyon
(F) 38.117778, -77.276389
[[Fort A.P Hill]]<br>(1941-Present)
(F) 38.8785, -77.08383, Fort Tillinghast
(F) 38.87041, -77.08165, Fort Craig (3)
(F) 38.85773, -77.07783, Fort Richardson (3)
(F) 38.87273, -77.07381, Fort McPherson (3)
(F) 38.88345, -77.08338, Fort Cass (2)
(F) 38.88424, -77.07835, Fort Whipple (1)
(F) 38.88966, -77.08281, Fort Woodbury
(F) 38.89435, -77.0875, Fort Strong (1)
(F) 38.9011, -77.09063, Fort C.F. Smith (2)
(F) 38.90025, -77.07863, Fort Bennett (3)
(F) 38.89611, -77.06863, Fort Haggerty
(F) 38.896257, -77.075922, Fort Corcoran
(F) 38.891915, -77.087095, Fort Morton (2)
(F) 38.92444, -77.12361, Fort Ethan Allen (2)
(F) 38.8475, -77.05898, Fort Scott (5)
(F) 38.84919, -77.09195, Fort Barnard
(F) 38.83824, -77.09436, Fort Reynolds (2)
(F) 38.85559, -77.09161, Fort Berry
(F) 38.87284, -77.14623, Fort Ramsay (2)
(B) 38.83843, -77.09698, Battery Garesche (2)
<!-- CW Fairfax -->
(F) 38.87201, -77.15587, Fort Buffalo
(F) 38.93441, -77.126555, Fort Marcy (3)
(F) 38.782739, -77.066165, Fort Willard
(F) 38.79389, -77.07778, Fort Lyon (3)
(F) 38.78861, -77.07361, Fort Farnsworth
(F) 38.78681, -77.07268, Fort O'Rourke
(F) 38.78929, -77.07832, Fort Weed
(F) 38.86026, -77.14507, Fort Munson
<!-- CW Falls Church -->
(F) 38.87476, -77.15898, Fort Taylor (7)

<!-- CW Alexandria -->
<!-- CW Alexandria -->
(F) 38.806, -77.06867, Fort Ellsworth (2)
(F) 38.806, -77.06867, Fort Ellsworth (2)
(F) 38.8118, -77.09, Fort Williams (4)
(F) 38.81472, -77.09889, Fort Worth (2)
(F) 38.83026, -77.10264, Fort Ward (1)
(B) 38.79587, -77.04385, Battery Rodgers

<!-- CW City Point -->
<!-- CW City Point -->
(F) 37.3166895, -77.2766865
(F) 37.3166895, -77.2766865, City Point Depot
[[City Point Depot]]<br>(1864-1867)
(F) 37.3090566, -77.2790189
(F) 37.3090566, -77.2790189, City Point Fort
[[City Point Fort]]<br>(1864-1865)
(F) 37.3015041, -77.3012598
(F) 37.3015041, -77.3012598, Fort Abbott
[[Fort Abbott]]<br>(1864-1865)
(F) 37.2999508, -77.3007126
(F) 37.2999508, -77.3007126, Fort Craig (2)
[[Fort Craig (2)]]<br>(1864-1865)
(F) 37.2976859, -77.2994198
(F) 37.2976859, -77.2994198, Fort Graves
[[Fort Graves]]<br>(1864-1865)
(F) 37.2960184, -77.2987224
(F) 37.2960184, -77.2987224, Fort McKeen (2)
[[Fort McKeen (2)]]<br>(1864-1865)
(F) 37.2936201, -77.2982396
(F) 37.2936201, -77.2982396, Fort Morris (3)
[[Fort Morris (3)]]<br>(1864-1865)
(F) 37.3076038, -77.3467326
(F) 37.3076038, -77.3467326, Fort Converse
[[Fort Converse]]<br>(1864-1865)

<!-- CW Richmond -->
<!-- CW Richmond -->
(F) 37.391302, -77.3611628
(F) 37.391302, -77.3611628, Fort Brady (1)
[[Fort Brady (1)]]
(F) 37.4176156, -77.3862951, Fort Hoke
(F) 37.4176156, -77.3862951
(F) 37.4268264, -77.372978, Fort Harrison (4)
[[Fort Hoke]]
(F) 37.4360872, -77.377881, Fort Johnson (4)
(F) 37.4268264, -77.372978
(F) 37.4428851, -77.3793187, Fort Gregg
[[Fort Harrison (4)]]
(F) 37.4469482, -77.3798203, Fort Gilmer (2)
(F) 37.4360872, -77.377881
(F) 37.4217909, -77.4219953, Fort Darling
[[Fort Johnson (4)]]
(F) 37.4030047, -77.4295484, Fort Stevens (4)
(F) 37.4428851, -77.3793187
[[Fort Gregg]]
(F) 37.4469482, -77.3798203
[[Fort Gilmer (2)]]
(F) 37.4217909, -77.4219953
[[Fort Darling]]
(F) 37.4030047, -77.4295484
[[Fort Stevens (4)]]
(A) 37.554181, -77.61763, Bellona Arsenal
(A) 37.554181, -77.61763, Bellona Arsenal
(1816-1837, 1863-1865)
(1816-1837, 1863-1865)
Line 115: Line 179:

<!-- CW Petersburg -->
<!-- CW Petersburg -->
(F) 37.33531, -77.36019
(F) 37.33531, -77.36019 ,Fort Wead
[[Fort Wead]]
(F) 37.19291, -77.37436, Fort Davis (2)
(F) 37.19291192, -77.37435937
(F) 37.18104, -77.38242, Fort Hays (4)
[[Fort Davis (2)]]
(F) 37.23147, -77.36982, Fort Stedman
(F) 37.1810397, -77.38241673
(F) 37.17423, -77.45364, Fort Fisher (3)
[[Fort Hays (4)]]
(F) 37.24382, -77.35021, Fort Lee (4)
(F) 37.23147306, -77.36982107
(F) 37.1975, -77.45061, Fort Gregg (2)
[[Fort Stedman]]
(F) 37.20516, -77.45992, Fort Baldwin (2)
(F) 37.17423, -77.453636
(F) 37.22686, -77.36933, Fort Haskell
[[Fort Fisher (2)]]
(F) 37.1719, -77.44595, Fort Conahey
(F) 37.24382, -77.35021
(F) 37.16722, -77.41633, Fort Wadsworth (3)
[[Fort Lee (4)]]
(F) 37.21819, -77.37059, Fort Morton (4)
(F) 37.197497, -77.450607
[[Fort Gregg]]
(F) 37.205155, -77.459927
[[Fort Whitworth]]
(F) 37.22686009, -77.36932755
[[Fort Haskell]]
(F) 37.171904, -77.445951
[[Fort Conahey]]
(F) 37.16721635, -77.41633058
[[Fort Wadsworth (3)]]

<!-- CW  & FIW Winchester -->
<!-- CW  & FIW Winchester -->
(F) 39.20142297, -78.15345526
(F) 39.20142297, -78.15345526, Fort Collier
[[Fort Collier]]<br>(1861-1865)
(F) 39.188747, -78.163892
(F) 39.188747, -78.163892, Fort Loudoun
[[Fort Loudoun]]<br>(1756-1780)
(F) 39.20627, -78.16384
(F) 39.20627, -78.16384, Star Fort (1)
[[Star Fort (1)]]<br>(1862-1864)

<!-- CW Strasburg -->
<!-- CW Strasburg -->
F) 38.99188, -78.36049
F) 38.99188, -78.36049, Fort Banks (3)
[[Fort Banks (3)]]<br>(1862-1865)
(F) 39.02932, -78.27810
(F) 39.02932, -78.27810, Old Stone Fort
[[Old Stone Fort]]<br>(1755-176?)
(F) 39.002806, -78.325275
(F) 39.002806, -78.325275, Fort Bowman
[[Fort Bowman]]<br>(1755-176?)
(F) 38.995119, -78.355385
(F) 38.995119, -78.355385, Hupp's Fort
[[Hupp's Fort]]<br>(1755-176?)

<!--CW Northern Virginia-->
(F) 38.9355556, -77.1263889, Fort Marcy


Latest revision as of 12:43, 2 March 2022


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