Forts, Camps and Stations
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Random FortWiki Images - Click on Image for Details is dedicated to documenting the historical Forts that provided security and protection for the U.S. and Canada.
U.S. Forts by State
Canadian Forts by Province & Territory
New and Updated Forts and Camps
Fort de la Martiniere, QC ;
Levis Fort No. 1, QC ;
Levis Fort No. 2, QC ;
Levis Fort No. 3, QC ;
Quebec Martello Tower 1, QC ;
Quebec Martello Tower 2, QC ;
Quebec Martello Tower 3, QC ;
Quebec Martello Tower 4, QC ;
Kent Gate, QCl ;
Saint Johns Gate, QC ;
Prescott Gate, QC ;
Dauphine Redoubt, QC ;
Montmorency Redoubt, QC ;
Fort Beaumont, QC ;
Fort Saint Jean, QC ;
Fort Amherst (2), PEI ;
Prince of Wales Martello Tower, NS ;
York Redoubt, NS ;
Duke of York Martello Tower, NS ;
Wellington Barracks, NS ;
Fort Howe, NB ;
Carleton Martello Tower, NB ;
Barrack Green Armoury, NB ;
Fort Beausejour, NB ;
Fort Gaspareaux, NB ;
Fort Madawaska, NB ;
Fort Carleton (2), NB ;
Fort Williams, ME ;
Black Point Fort, ME ;
Fort O'Brien, ME ;
Fort Machias, ME ;
Fort Kent, ME ;
Fort Fairfield, ME ;
Redoubt 1 - West Point, NY ;
Redoubt 2 - West Point, NY ;
Redoubt 4 - West Point, NY ;
New and Updated Batteries
Royal Battery, QC ;
Prince Edward Battery, PEI ;
Devils Point Battery, NS ;
Courtenay Bay Breakwater Battery, NB ;
Battery Garesche, ME ;
Battery AMTB 961, ME ;
Egg Rock Battery, ME ;
Water Battery - West Point, NY ;
Chain Battery - West Point, NY ;
Battery Duane, NY ;
Battery Ayres, NY ;
Battery Richmond, NY ;
Battery Dix, NY ;
Battery Mills (2), NY ;
Battery Hudson, NY ;
Battery Barry, NY ;
Battery Upton, NY ;
Battery 155 - Bolsa Chica, CA ;
Battery 155 - Fermin Point, CA ;
Battery 155 - Ventura, CA ;
Battery 155 - Oxnard, CA ;
Battery 155 - Port Hueneme, CA ;
Battery McIntosh, FL ;
Battery Howard, FL ;
Battery Mellon, FL ;
Battery Gardner, MA ;
Battery 155 - St Andrews Sound, FL ;
Battery 155 - Port Aransas, TX ;
Battery 155 - Quintana, TX ;
Battery 155 - Sabine Pass, TX ;
Battery Pike, LA ;
Battery Forse, LA ;
Battery Merrill, LA ;
Battery Ridgely, LA ;
Battery Scott, LA ;
Battery Brooke, LA ;
Battery Barlow-Saxton, CA ;
Battery Leary-Merriam, CA ;
Battery Osgood-Farley, CA ;
Battery Construction Number(BCN) Batteries
Battery 107, RI ;
Battery 108, RI ;
Battery 109, RI ;
Battery 110, RI ;
Battery 126, CA ;
Battery 127, CA ;
Battery 128, CA ;
Battery 129, CA ;
Battery 131, WA ;
Battery 134, CA ;
Battery 206, MA ;
Battery 208, MA ;
Battery 210, MA ;
Battery 211, RI ;
Battery 212, RI ;
Battery 213, RI ;
Battery 230, SC ;
Battery 231, FL ;
Battery 232, FL ;
Battery 233, FL ;
Battery 240, CA ;
Battery 241, CA ;
New Barracks, QC ;
Whipple Barracks, AZ ,
Detroit Barracks, MI ;
Churchill Barracks, NV :
Madison Barracks, NY ;
Plattsburgh Barracks, NY ;
Carlisle Barracks, PA ;
Newport Barracks, NC ;
St. Francis Barracks, FL ;
Barrancas Barracks, FL ;
San Diego Barracks, CA ;
Key West Barracks, FL ;
Jackson Barracks, LA ;
Benicia Barracks, CA ;
Vancouver Barracks, WA ;
Jefferson Barracks, MO ;
Boise Barracks, ID
New & Updated People
Abner Doubleday ,
August V. Kautz ,
George Crook ,
Montgomery C. Meigs ,
William A. Sater ,
Richard Delafield ,
John M. Wilson ,
James C. Duane ,
Seth Eastman ,
Junipero Serra ,
Edward R.S. Canby ,
Charles S. Lovell ,
Powell T. Wyman ,
Edmund Underwood ,
Andrew J. Smith ,
Robert C. Buchanan ,
Albert S. Miller ,
Samuel P. Heintzelman ,
Horatio Gates Gibson ,
Joseph Stewart ,
Silas Casey ,
Joseph G. Swift ,
John T. Greble ,
Richard H. Peyton ,
P.G.T. Beauregard ,
Alexander C.W. Fanning ,
Edmund A. Ogden ,
William J. Worth ,
Nathaniel Lyon ,
Henry C. Merriam ,
George W. Cullum ,
Thomas F. Castor ,
William H. Chase ,
Adam J. Slemmer ,
Francis J. Brooke ,
Joseph Van Swearingen ,
John P. Center ,
William McRee ,
Zealous B. Tower ,
John G. Barnard ,
Jonathan Williams ,
Joseph K.F. Mansfield ,
Henry Leavenworth ,
Joseph G. Totten ,
Sylvanus Thayer ,
Alexander M. Wetherill
Benjamin L.E. Bonneville ,
Braxton Bragg ,
Edward J. Steptoe ,
Edmund P. Gaines ,
John B. Todd ,
Eleazar W. Ripley ,
Louis L. Duportail ,
Patrick Henry O'Rorke ,
Frederick T. Dent ,
Christopher C. Auger ,
DeLancey Floyd-Jones ,
William T. Sherman ,
Winfield Scott ,
William B. Hazen ,
John E. Wool
Forting Research Trips
2013 Research Trip
Forts Visited
Now at St. Ignace, Michigan
Fort of the Week
Fort Mackinac, Mackanic Island, Michigan
What's Inside
USForts Blog Blog is our new blog describing our visits to forts and batteries. If you want to blog about your fort visits, contact me and I will establish an author login for you. John . The archives for our old blog can be accessed at Archive .
Fort Wayne - Detroit, Michigan
Saint Helen Island Fort, Montreal, Canada
Fort McRee on Perdido Key, Florida
Fort Massachusetts on Ship Island, Mississippi
Fort Marcy in Santa Fe, New Mexico
Long Point Military Reservation, California
Battery Townsley Revisited
Mission La Purisima, Lompoc, California
Fort Humboldt State Historic Park in Northern California
A New Gun for Battery Townsley at Fort Cronkhite
Camp River Dubois in Illinois
Fort Pitt - Fort Duquesne Visit
Harbor Defense of Kingston, Ontario
Fort Ticonderoga, New York
Fort Knox Maine
Fort Edgecomb, Wiscasset, Maine
Fort Scammel on House Island Maine
Fort McClary, Maine
Cape Elizabeth Military Reservation, Maine
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