Category:French & Indian War Forts: Difference between revisions

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<googlemap version="0.9" lat="40.010787" lon="-79.892578" zoom="5" width="800" height="600" type="map" scale="yes" overview="yes" controls="large" icons="{label}.png">
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="40.010787" lon="-79.892578" zoom="5" width="800" height="600" type="map" scale="yes" overview="yes" controls="large" icons="{label}.png">
(F) 43.416884, -73.486775
<!-- Pennsylvania -->
[[Fort Anne]]<br>(1692-1780)
(F) 40.349285, -76.225497, Fort Zeller
(F) 44.028819, -73.429441
[[Fort Crown Point]]<br>(1759-1783)
(F) 40.46456, -76.51436, Fort Swatara
(F) 37.607913, -79.615389
[[Audley Paul's Fort]]<br>(1757-1763)
(F) 40.4411, -80.009, Fort Pitt (1)
(F) 40.8757, -76.792
[[Fort Augusta]]<br>(1756-1765, 1777-1782)
(F) 39.81522, -79.58942, Fort Necessity
(F) 43.4603055, -76.5195299
[[Fort George (6)]]<br>(1755-1756)
(F) 42.13755, -80.07997, Fort Presque Isle (1)
(F) 41.940016, -79.982947
[[Fort le Boeuf]]<br>(1753-1814)
(F) 41.38618, -79.8216, Fort Machault
(F) 39.002806, -78.325275
[[Fort Bowman]]<br>(1755-176?)
(F) 40.24083, -79.23778, Fort Ligonier
(F) 43.242065, -76.14134
[[Fort Brewerton]]<br>(1759-1767)
(F) 39.18877, -78.16398, Fort Loudoun
(F) 42.790346, -72.531964
[[Fort Bridgman]]<br>(1737-17??)
(F) 40.44161, -80.01094, Fort Duquesne (1)
(F) 43.22644, -75.50250
[[Fort Bull]]<br>(1755-1756)
(B) 40.21070, -77.17162, Carlisle Barracks
(F) 43.841449, -73.3876188
(1757-1871, 1920-Present)
[[Fort Ticonderoga]]<br>(1750-1796)
(B) 40.21070, -77.17162
[[Carlisle Barracks]]<br>(1757-1871, 1920-Present)
(F) 38.0844444, -90.1577778
[[Fort de Chartres]]<br>(1720-1772)
(F) 42.327221, -83.045783
[[Fort Detroit]]<br>(1701-1778)
(F) 37.972346, -79.66165
[[Fort Dickinson]]<br>(1756-176?)
(F) 38.08125, -79.844787
[[Fort Dinwiddie (1)]]<br>(1755-1789)
(F) 35.821602, -80.897296
[[Fort Dobbs (1)]]<br>(1755-1764)
(F) 32.947039, -80.170214
[[Fort Dorchester]]<br>(1757-1781)
(F) 42.830943, -72.546287
[[Fort Dummer]]<br>(1724-1763)
(F) 40.441611, -80.010944
[[Fort Duquesne (1)]]<br>(1754-1758)
(F) 43.263948, -73.584473
[[Fort Edward]]<br>(1755-1766, 1777-1780)
(F) 39.6102778, -78.0036111
[[Fort Frederick]]<br>(1756-1764, 1780-1783, 1861-1865)
(F) 44.233333, -76.478611
[[Fort Frontenac]]<br>(1673-Present)
(F) 44.539238, -69.628918
[[Fort Halifax (1)]]<br>(1754-1766, 1775-1778)
(F) 40.48090, -76.93318
[[Fort Halifax (2)]]<br>(1756-1857)
(F) 40.342603, -76.910133
[[Fort Hunter (1)]]<br>(1755-1758, 1763)
(F) 38.995119, -78.355385
[[Hupp's Fort]]<br>(1755-176?)
(F) 36.003597, -80.408144
[[Johnson's Fort]]<br>(1757-17??)
(F) 44.694553, -75.501198
[[Fort La Presentation]]<br>(1749-1813)
(F) 38.124632, -79.620948
[[Fort Lewis (5)]]<br>(1756-1763)
(F) 40.349171, -76.430619
[[Light's Fort]]<br>(1756-1759)
(F) 40.240833, -79.237778
[[Fort Ligonier]]<br>(1758-1766)
(F) 39.188772, -78.163975
[[Fort Loudoun]]<br>(1756-1780)
(F) 42.67, -72.6736111
[[Fort Lucas]]<br>(1745-1748, 1754-1763)
(F) 41.38618, -79.82162
[[Fort Machault]]<br>(1755-1759)
(F) 40.39510561, -76.68338478
[[Fort Manada]]<br>(1755-1757, 1763-1764)
(F) 42.6994444, -73.1436111
[[Fort Massachusetts (3)]]<br>(1745-1748, 1754-17??)
(F) 41.5725, -83.62611
[[Fort Miamis]]<br>(1760-1817)
(F) 45.786518, -84.735623
[[Fort Michilimackinac (2)]]<br>(1712-1780)
(F) 42.65055556, -72.68
[[Fort Morris (2)]]<br>(1745-1748)
(F) 42.6977778, -72.6958333
[[Fort Morrison]]<br>(1745-1748, 1754-1763)
(F) 39.8152166, -79.5894223
[[Fort Necessity]]<br>(1754-1754)
(F) 43.262644, -79.063261
[[Fort Niagara]]<br>(1726-1963)
(F) 43.465833, -76.508056
[[Fort Ontario]]<br>(1755-1946)
(F) 43.4613889, -76.5144444
[[Fort Oswego]]<br>(1727-1756)
(F) 40.406343, -86.963562
[[Fort Ouiatenon]]<br>(1722-1763)
(F) 42.6903611, -72.9037088
[[Fort Pelham]]<br>(1744-1754)
(F) 40.4411, -80.009
[[Fort Pitt (1)]]<br>(1761-1792)
(F) 44.46818, -68.81184
[[Fort Pownall]]<br>(1759-1775)
(F) 42.137554, -80.079965
[[Fort Presque Isle (1)]]<br>(1753-1763)
(F) 40.441534, -80.010467
[[Fort Prince George]]<br>(1754-1754)
(F) 43.004553, -72.459168
[[Fort Putney]]<br>(1740-17??)
(F) 40.40723, -76.56023
[[Reed's Fort]]<br>(1755-1758)
(F) 42.627431, -72.879331
[[Rice's Fort]]<br>(1745-1756)
(F) 42.783937, -72.52573
[[Fort Sartwell]]<br>(1737-17??)
(F) 42.508782, -70.841394
[[Fort Sewall]]<br>(1742-1898)
(F) 42.69842, -72.80513
[[Fort Shirley (1)]]<br>(1744-1754)
(F) 44.030338, -73.426132
[[Fort St. Frederic]]<br>(1735-1759)
(F) 43.210579, -75.455292
[[Fort Stanwix]]<br>(1758-1828)
(F) 40.46456, -76.51436
[[Fort Swatara]]<br>(1756-1758)
(F) 41.388982, -79.822237
[[Fort Venango]]<br>(1760-1763)
(F) 44.31596, -69.77114
[[Fort Western]]<br>(1754-1769, 1775-1778)
(F) 43.420175, -73.711009
[[Fort William Henry (3)]]<br>(1755-1757)
(F) 40.349285, -76.225497
[[Fort Zeller]]<br>(1756-1758)
(F) 39.65056, -78.76583, Fort Cumberland (2)

Revision as of 06:09, 15 May 2015


See Also:

Pages in category "French & Indian War Forts"

The following 273 pages are in this category, out of 273 total.