Category:2012 Research Trip: Difference between revisions

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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
New page: {{CategoryHeader}} ; Our 2012 Fort Exploration Trip. <googlemap version="0.9" lat="37.857507" lon="-93.779297" zoom="4" type="map" width="800" height="400" scale="yes" overview="no" contr...
John Stanton (talk | contribs)
No edit summary
(188 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
; Our 2012 Fort Exploration Trip.
; Our 2012 Fort Research Trip.

<googlemap version="0.9" lat="37.857507" lon="-93.779297" zoom="4" type="map" width="800" height="400" scale="yes" overview="no" controls="large" icons="{label}.png">
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="36.137875" lon="-82.617187" type="map" zoom="5" width="-800" height="-600" scale="yes" overview="no" controls="large" icons="{label}.png">
(F) 30.68877, -88.0398
[[Fort Conde]]<br>(1711-1820)
(F) 30.672763, -87.916117
[[Fort McDermott]]<br>(1864-1865)
(F) 30.6753648, -87.9174256
[[Spanish Fort (1)]]<br>(1780-178?, 1864-1865)
(F) 30.68111, -87.91139
[[Red Fort]]<br>(1864-1865)
(F) 30.31111, -88.13750
[[Fort Powell]]<br>(1862-1864)
(F) 30.418595, -87.216963
[[Fort George (9)]]<br>(1772-1814)
(F) 30.42097, -87.22008
[[Prince of Wales Redoubt]]<br>(1780-1781)
(F) 30.424674, -87.220970
[[Queen Ann's Redoubt]]<br>(1779-1821)
(B) 30.350083, -87.291698
[[Barrancas Barracks]]<br>(1820-1947)
(F) 30.409671, -87.212005
[[Fort at Pensacola]]<br>(1763-1781)
<!-- Fort Walton-->
(F) 30.404177, -86.607317
[[Fort Walton]]<br>(1861-1862)
(F) 30.908109, -84.578802
[[Fort Hughes]]<br>(1817-1817)
(A) 30.706254, -84.837606
[[Apalachicola Arsenal]]<br>(1832-1866)
(B) 30.124069, -85.733898
[[Battery 155 - St Andrews Sound]]<br>(1943-1944)
(F) 30.7758333, -84.7672222
[[Fort Scott (3)]]<br>(1816-1821)
(F) 30.384769, -83.170635
[[Columbus Fort]]<br>(1864-1864)
(C) 30.754005, -84.731688
[[Camp Recovery]]<br>(1820-1821)
(F) 30.57821, -84.949266
[[Battery Point Fort]]<br>(1863-1864)
(F) 30.4229757, -84.5376864
[[Fort Braden]]<br>(1839-1842)
(F) 30.45259, -84.32025
[[Fort San Luis de Apalachee]]<br>(1656-1704)
(F) 30.431015, -84.269514
[[Fort Houstoun]]<br>(1864-1865)
(F) 29.659649, -82.439497
[[Fort Clarke (1)]]<br>(1836-1861)
(F) 29.924738, -82.770309
[[Fort White]]<br>(1838-1842)
(F) 29.808611, -82.476667
[[Fort Gilleland]]<br>(1835-1842)
(F) 28.149104, -82.219708
[[Fort Foster (2)]]<br>(1836-1838, 1849)
(F) 27.755701, -81.795360
[[Fort Meade (3)]]<br>(1849-1854, 1857-1857, 1861-1864)
(F) 27.924578, -81.795616
[[Fort Carroll (2)]]<br>(1841-1841)
(F) 27.89661, -81.845205
[[Fort Blount (1)]]<br>(1851-1858)
(F) 27.957079, -82.804937
[[Fort Harrison (3)]]<br>(1841-1841)
(F) 27.500123, -82.530104
[[Braden Castle]]<br>(1850-1858)
(F) 27.62296, -81.81037
[[Fort Chokonikla]]<br>(1849-1850)
(F) 27.599662, -82.7612114
[[Fort Dade]]<br>(1899-1946)
(F) 29.504692, -82.2798227
[[Fort Micanopy]]<br>(1835-1843)
(B) 27.6002229, -82.7629548
[[Battery McIntosh]]<br>(1900-1923)
(B) 27.601264, -82.7629924
[[Battery Howard]]<br>(1906-1917)
(B) 27.6023527, -82.7619356
[[Battery Mellon]]<br>(1904-1920)
<!-- Merritt Island -->
(F) 28.736392, -80.754756
[[Fort Ann (1)]]<br>(1837-1838)
(F) 27.436827, -80.32016
[[Fort Pierce]]<br>(1838-1842)
(F) 27.3622392, -81.0514212
[[Fort Basinger]]<br>(1837-1850)
(F) 27.49683, -80.80575
[[Fort Drum (3)]]<br>(1849-1861)
(F) 27.638867, -80.462467
[[Fort Vinton]]<br>(1839-1850)
(F) 27.957079, -82.804937
[[Fort Harrison (3)]]<br>(1841-1841)
<!-- Jacksonville -->
(C) 30.33673, -81.86574
[[Camp Milton]]<br>(1862-1864)
(F) 30.3106621, -81.6389859
[[Fort San Nicholas]]<br>(1740-1817)
(F) 30.688707, -81.457078
[[Fort San Carlos (2)]]<br>(1816-1821)
(F) 30.43173, -81.42441
[[Fort George (10)]]<br>(1736-1740)
(F) 30.704689, -81.454461
[[Fort Clinch (1)]]<br>(1847-1936)
(F) 32.947039, -80.170214
[[Fort Dorchester]]<br>(1757-1781)
(F) 30.72726, -81.51234
[[Fort at Point Peter]]<br>(1795-1818)
(F) 32.75164, -79.898726
[[Fort Johnson (1)]]<br>(1704-1865)
(A) 32.432774, -80.670478
[[Beaufort Arsenal]]<br>(1795-1966)
(C) 34.664841, -77.347956
[[Camp Lejeune]]<br>(1941-Present)
(F) 34.696179, -76.678798
[[Fort Macon]]<br>(1834-1877)(1898-1903)(1941-1945)
(F) 34.669641, -77.110977
[[Huggins Island Fort]]<br>(1861-1862)
(F) 34.697414, -76.672597
[[Fort Hampton (1)]]<br>(1808-1819)
(B) 34.73315, -76.83748
[[Bogue Sound Blockhouse]]<br>(1862-1864)
(B) 34.7865497, -76.8591057
[[Newport Barracks (1)]]<br>(1861-1865)
(F) 36.003597, -80.408144
[[Johnson's Fort]]<br>(1757-17??)

<!-- CW City Point -->
(F) 37.3090566, -77.2790189
[[City Point Fort]]<br>(1864-1865)
(F) 37.3015041, -77.3012598
[[Fort Abbott]]<br>(1864-1865)
(F) 37.2999508, -77.3007126
[[Fort Craig (2)]]<br>(1864-1865)
(F) 37.2976859, -77.2994198
[[Fort Graves]]<br>(1864-1865)
(F) 37.2960184, -77.2987224
[[Fort McKeen (2)]]<br>(1864-1865)
(F) 37.2936201, -77.2982396
[[Fort Morris (3)]]<br>(1864-1865)
(F) 37.3076038, -77.3467326
[[Fort Converse]]<br>(1864-1865)
<!-- CW Richmond -->
(F) 37.391302, -77.3611628
[[Fort Brady (1)]]
(F) 37.4176156, -77.3862951
[[Fort Hoke]]
(F) 37.4268264, -77.372978
[[Fort Harrison (4)]]
(F) 37.4360872, -77.377881
[[Fort Johnson (4)]]
(F) 37.4428851, -77.3793187
[[Fort Gregg (1)]]
(F) 37.4469482, -77.3798203
[[Fort Gilmer (2)]]
(F) 37.4217909, -77.4219953
[[Fort Darling]]
(F) 37.4030047, -77.4295484
[[Fort Stevens (4)]]
<!-- CW Petersburg -->
(F) 37.33531, -77.36019
[[Fort Wead]]
(F) 37.19291192, -77.37435937
[[Fort Davis (2)]]
(F) 37.1810397, -77.38241673
[[Fort Hays (2)]]
(F) 37.23147306, -77.36982107
[[Fort Stedman]]
(F) 37.17423, -77.453636
[[Fort Fisher (2)]]
(F) 37.197497, -77.450607
[[Fort Gregg (2)]]
(F) 37.205155, -77.459927
[[Fort Whitworth]]
(F) 37.22686009, -77.36932755
[[Fort Haskell]]
(F) 37.171904, -77.445951
[[Fort Conahey]]
(F) 37.16721635, -77.41633058
[[Fort Wadsworth (3)]]
<!-- CW Lynchburg -->
(F) 37.41337, -79.184207
[[Fort McCausland]]<br>(1864-1865)
(F) 37.389887, -79.172882
[[Fort Early (2)]]<br>(1864-1865)
<!-- CW Staunton -->
(F) 38.31176, -79.38407
[[Fort Johnson (3)]]<br>(1862-1865)
<!--Bath County -->
(F) 38.124444, -79.620833
[[Fort Lewis (5)]]
(F) 38.080843, -79.844949
[[Fort Dinwiddie (1)]]
(F) 37.972346, -79.66165
[[Fort Dickinson]]
<!--Botetourt County-->
(F) 37.607913, -79.615389
[[Audley Paul's Fort]]<br>(1757-1763)
<!-- CW  & FIW Winchester -->
(F) 39.20142297, -78.15345526
[[Fort Collier]]<br>(1861-1865)
(F) 39.188747, -78.163892
[[Fort Loudoun]]<br>(1756-1780)
(F) 39.20627, -78.16384
[[Star Fort (1)]]<br>(1862-1864)
<!-- CW Strasburg -->
F) 38.99188, -78.36049
[[Fort Banks (3)]]<br>(1862-1865)
(F) 39.02932, -78.27810
[[Old Stone Fort]]<br>(1755-176?)
(F) 39.002806, -78.325275
[[Fort Bowman]]<br>(1755-176?)
(F) 38.995119, -78.355385
[[Hupp's Fort]]<br>(1755-176?)
<!--Jonestown PA-->
(F) 40.8757, -76.792
[[Fort Augusta]]<br>(1756-1765, 1777-1782)
(F) 40.21070, -77.17162
[[Carlisle Barracks]]<br>(1757-1871, 1920-Curr)
(F) 40.436944, -76.576111
[[Fort Indiantown Gap]]<br>(1931-Present)
(F) 40.34035, -76.90809
[[Fort Hunter (1)]]<br>(1755-1758, 1763)
(F) 40.40723, -76.56023
[[Reed's Fort]]<br>(1755-1758)
(C) 40.282399, -76.890931
[[Camp Curtin]]<br>(1861-1865)
(A) 40.277136, -76.86666
[[Pennsylvania State Arsenal]]<br>(1874-19??)
(F) 40.349171, -76.430619
[[Light's Fort]]<br>(1756-1759)
(F) 40.39510561, -76.68338478
[[Fort Manada]]<br>(1755-1757, 1763-1764)
(F) 40.48090, -76.93318
[[Fort Halifax]]<br>(1756-1857)
(F) 40.46456, -76.51436
[[Fort Swatara]]<br>(1756-1758)
(F) 40.349285, -76.225497
[[Fort Zeller]]<br>(1723-1763)
(F) 37.249053, -77.332431
[[Fort Lee (4)]]<br>(1917-Present)
(A) 42.719194, -73.706717
[[Watervliet Arsenal]]<br>(1813-Present)
(F) 42.6772976, -74.3018001
[[Old Stone Fort (1)]]<br>(1777-1785)
(F) 41.472459, -74.059621
[[New Windsor Cantonment]]<br>(1782-1783)
(F) 41.319301, -73.987893
[[Fort Clinton (1)]]<br>(1776-1777)
(F) 41.392700, -73.958400
[[Fortress West Point]]<br>(1778-1783, 1802-Present)
(C) 41.301531, -73.941615
[[Camp Smith]]<br>(1882-Present)
(F) 41.241497, -73.972439
[[Fort Stony Point]]<br>(1779-1783)
(M) 42.161002, -70.706441
[[Fourth Cliff Military Reservation]]<br>(1942-1948)
(F) 42.338333, -71.011111
[[Fort Independence]]<br>(1801-1960)
(F) 42.304546, -70.905723
[[Fort Revere]]<br>(1897-1947)
(F) 41.592923, -70.901417
[[Fort Rodman]]<br>(1898-1947)
(F) 41.624273, -70.902146
[[Fort Phoenix]]<br>(1775-1876)
(F) 41.955313, -70.665786
[[Plymouth Fort]]<br>(1621-Unknown)
(A) 42.362222, -71.166111
[[Watertown Arsenal]]<br>(1816-1995)
(F) 42.3564862, -71.1044966
[[Fort Washington (6)]]<br>(1775-1776)
<!--Rhode Island-->
(F) 41.4795467, -71.3650529
[[Fort Wetherill]]<br>(1900-1946)
(F) 41.492282, -71.397958
[[Fort Getty]]<br>(1900-1948)
(F) 41.453036, -71.397893
[[Fort Burnside]]<br>(1940-1948)
<!--Maine -->
(F) 44.31596, -69.77114
[[Fort Western]]<br>(1754-1769, 1775-1778)
(F) 44.56615, -68.802438
[[Fort Knox (1)]]<br>(1844-1923)
(F) 44.539238, -69.628918
[[Fort Halifax (1)]]<br>(1754-1766, 1775-1778)
(F) 44.46818, -68.81184
[[Fort Pownall]]<br>(1759-1775)
(F) 43.749971, -69.789383
[[Fort Baldwin]]<br>(1905-1924, 1941-1949)
(F) 43.755062, -69.783711
[[Fort Popham]]<br>(1862-1924)
(F) 43.753276, -69.788702
[[Fort St. George (2)]]<br>(1607-1608)
(F) 43.993525, -69.656678
[[Fort Edgecomb]]<br>(1808-1816)
(F) 43.6225834, -70.2106029
[[Fort Williams (1)]]<br>(1899-1962)
(F) 43.649716, -70.225478
[[Fort Preble]]<br>(1808-1947)
(M) 43.560289, -70.204435
[[Cape Elizabeth Military Reservation]]<br>(1942-1946)
(F) 43.665595, -70.240752
[[Fort Allen (2)]]<br>(1775, 1814-1815)
(F) 43.659511, -70.248191
[[Fort Loyal]]<br>(1680-1690)
(F) 43.6673104, -70.2511923
[[Fort Sumner (2)]]<br>(1794-182?)
(M) 43.660454, -70.179975
[[Peak's Island Military Reservation]]<br>(1906-1948)
(F) 43.684966, -70.195448
[[Fort McKinley]]<br>(1896-1947)
(F) 43.6431387, -70.1953252
[[Fort Levett]]<br>(1894-1948)
<!-- Castine ME -->
(F) 44.39112, -68.80559
[[Fort George (11)]]<br>(1779-1784, 1814-1819)
(F) 44.381733, -68.810321
[[Fort Madison (1)]]<br>(1811-1819, 1863-1865)
(F) 44.384706, -68.80328
[[Fort Pentagoet]]<br>(1635-1734)
(F) 44.394023, -68.812713
[[Fort Griffith]]<br>(1814-1815)
(F) 44.385777, -68.801571
[[Fort Furieuse]]<br>(1813-1814)
<!--Vermont New York -->
(F) 43.263948, -73.584473
[[Fort Edward]]<br>(1755-1766, 1777-1780)
(F) 43.841449, -73.3876188
[[Fort Ticonderoga]] (1755-1796)
(F) 44.0286669, -73.4367907
[[Fort Crown Point]] (1759-1783)
(F) 44.030338, -73.426132
[[Fort St. Frederic]]<br>(1735-1759)
(F) 43.420175, -73.711009
[[Fort William Henry (3)]]<br>(1755-1757)
(F) 43.416884, -73.486775
[[Fort Anne]]<br>(1692-1780)
(F) 43.608816, -72.972138
[[Fort Rutland]]<br>(1775-1775)
<!--Henderson Harbor NY -->
(F) 45.0058333, -73.3486111
[[Fort Montgomery (2)]]<br>(1844-1910)
(B) 43.952201, -76.11135
[[Madison Barracks]]<br>(1816-1947)
(F) 43.951699, -76.113271
[[Fort Pike (2)]]
(F) 43.241766, -76.141155
[[Fort Brewerton]]<br>(1759-1767)
(F) 43.465833, -76.508056
[[Fort Ontario]]<br>(1755-1946)
(F) 43.210579, -75.455292
[[Fort Stanwix]]<br>(1758-1828)
(F) 43.22644, -75.50250
[[Fort Bull]]<br>(1755-1756)
(F) 43.4613889, -76.5144444
[[Fort Oswego]] (1727-1756)
(F) 44.1009409, -75.611358
[[Fort Drum (2)]]<br>[[Pine Camp]]<br>(1908-Present)
(F) 43.459266, -76.519228
[[Fort George (6)]]<br>(1755-1756)
(F) 42.89325, -78.923817
[[Fort Erie]]<br>(1764-1823)
(F) 44.7129008, -75.5084396
[[Fort Wellington]]<br>(1830-1869)
(F) 44.230948, -76.459705
[[Fort Henry (3)]]<br>(1812-1891)
(F) 44.2274368, -76.4697111
[[Fort Frederick (3)]]<br>(1812-1870)
(F) 44.233333, -76.478611
[[Fort Frontenac]]<br>(1673-Present)
(T) 44.2291666, -76.458478
[[East Branch Tower]]<br>(1846-1870)
(T) 44.2315344, -76.462158
[[West Branch Tower]]<br>(1846-1870)
(T) 44.2253149, -76.454208
[[Cathcart Tower]]<br>(1848-1870)
(T) 44.2276751, -76.4695395
[[Fort Frederick Tower]]<br>(1846-1870)
(T) 44.2287668, -76.4781976
[[Shoal Tower]]<br>(1847-1870)
(T) 44.2222164, -76.4904393
[[Murney Tower]]<br>(1846-1885)
<!--Niagara Falls Area-->
(F) 43.250833, -79.061111
[[Fort George (7)]]
(F) 43.261667, -79.076667
[[Fort Mississauga]]
(B) 43.24838, -79.07405
[[Butler's Barracks]]<br>(1814-196?)
(F) 43.252, -79.059134
[[Navy Hall]]<br>(1765-193?)
(F) 43.262644, -79.063261
[[Fort Niagara]]<br>(1726-1963)
(F) 42.89325, -78.923817
[[Fort Erie]]<br>(1764-1823)
(F) 42.904184, -78.899925
[[Fort Porter (1)]]<br>(1841-1921)
<!--Erie PA-->
(F) 40.4411, -80.009
[[Fort Pitt (1)]]<br>(1761-1792)
(F) 40.441611, -80.010944
[[Fort Duquesne (1)]]<br>(1754-1758)
(F) 40.443897, -79.998335
[[Fort Fayette]]<br>(1791-1814)
(F) 41.388982, -79.822237
[[Fort Venango]]<br>(1760-1763)
(F) 41.38618, -79.82162
[[Fort Machault]]<br>(1755-1759)
(F) 41.400666, -79.830995
[[Fort Franklin (2)]]<br>(1787-1799)
(F) 41.393498, -79.823919
[[Old Garrison]] Site Marker
(F) 42.137554, -80.079965
[[Fort Presque Isle (1)]]<br>(1753-1763)
(F) 42.140122, -80.074384
[[Fort Presque Isle (2)]]<br>(1795-1814)
(F) 41.940016, -79.982947
[[Fort le Boeuf]] (American)<br>(1753-1814)
30.342755, -87.314162
30.342755, -87.314162
30.52323, -86.498795
30.732393, -86.360779
30.484184, -84.396973
30.266184, -82.757263
28.902397, -82.111816
27.965295, -82.474365
28.480763, -81.44989
28.435789, -80.660934
30.392126, -81.399422
30.822064, -81.515808
32.075593, -81.246643
32.625497, -80.892334
32.888813, -80.024414
34.763051, -77.43988
36.01261, -80.40673
38.030786, -78.508301
38.117272, -79.057617
39.162145, -78.15794
40.271144, -76.882324
40.428133, -76.519775
41.401536, -75.673828
41.8942, -75.6656
41.401536, -75.673828
41.398445, -73.959961
42.161686, -70.706549
41.5675, -71.2952
42.47309, -71.28013
43.614205, -70.361938
43.944384, -72.622375
44.957024, -73.119507
44.680372, -74.992676
44.042193, -75.72052
43.89110, -76.13458
43.4613889, -76.5144444
43.211, -77.544
43.30549, -78.87194
42.098222, -80.112305
{| border="1"
Working Schedule
|- valign="top"
* 24 Feb - 8 Mar  - Jacksonville, FL  447
* 9 Mar - 12 Mar  - Kings Bay, GA
* 13 Mar - 15 Mar - Charleston, SC
* 16 Mar - 22 Mar - Jacksonville, NC
* 23 Mar - 26 Mar - Clemmons, NC
* 27 Mar - 6 Apr  - Charlottesville, VA
* 7 Apr - 11 Apr  - Staunton, VA
* 12 Apr - 17 Apr - Winchester, VA
* 17 Apr - 26 Apr - Harrisburg, PA
* 27 Apr - 30 Apr - New Milford, NY
* 1 May - 14 May  - West Point, NY
* 15 May - 28 May - Fourth Cliff, MA
* 29 May - 4 Jun - Newport, RI
* 5 Jun -11 Jun - Hanscom Field, MA
* 12 Jun - 9 Jul    - Portland, ME
* 10 Jul - 23 Jul    - Lake Champagne, VT
* 24 Jul - 6 Aug  - Watertown, NY
* 7 Aug - 20 Aug - Erie PA
* 21 Aug - 27 Aug - Decatur, IN

Latest revision as of 09:04, 14 March 2022

Our 2012 Fort Research Trip.

Working Schedule
  • 24 Feb - 8 Mar - Jacksonville, FL 447
  • 9 Mar - 12 Mar - Kings Bay, GA
  • 13 Mar - 15 Mar - Charleston, SC
  • 16 Mar - 22 Mar - Jacksonville, NC
  • 23 Mar - 26 Mar - Clemmons, NC
  • 27 Mar - 6 Apr - Charlottesville, VA
  • 7 Apr - 11 Apr - Staunton, VA
  • 12 Apr - 17 Apr - Winchester, VA
  • 17 Apr - 26 Apr - Harrisburg, PA
  • 27 Apr - 30 Apr - New Milford, NY
  • 1 May - 14 May - West Point, NY
  • 15 May - 28 May - Fourth Cliff, MA
  • 29 May - 4 Jun - Newport, RI
  • 5 Jun -11 Jun - Hanscom Field, MA
  • 12 Jun - 9 Jul - Portland, ME
  • 10 Jul - 23 Jul - Lake Champagne, VT
  • 24 Jul - 6 Aug - Watertown, NY
  • 7 Aug - 20 Aug - Erie PA
  • 21 Aug - 27 Aug - Decatur, IN

Pages in category "2012 Research Trip"

The following 313 pages are in this category, out of 313 total.