Forts Visited
This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.
Pages in category "Visited"
The following 2,236 pages are in this category, out of 2,236 total.
- Battery 102
- Battery 103
- Battery 104
- Battery 116
- Battery 118
- Battery 120
- Battery 121
- Battery 122
- Battery 126
- Battery 127
- Battery 128
- Battery 129
- Battery 131
- Battery 134
- Battery 155 - Bolsa Chica
- Battery 155 - Brenton Point
- Battery 155 - Costa Mesa
- Battery 155 - East Point
- Battery 155 - El Segundo
- Battery 155 - Fermin Point
- Battery 155 - Fort Baldwin
- Battery 155 - Fort Morgan
- Battery 155 - Fort Pickens
- Battery 155 - Fort San Jacinto
- Battery 155 - Fort Taylor
- Battery 155 - Imperial
- Battery 155 - Long Point
- Battery 155 - Odiornes Point
- Battery 155 - Oxnard
- Battery 155 - Pacific Palisades
- Battery 155 - Point Judith
- Battery 155 - Port Aransas
- Battery 155 - Port Hueneme
- Battery 155 - Quintana
- Battery 155 - Rocky Point
- Battery 155 - Sabine Pass
- Battery 155 - Sagamore Hill
- Battery 155 - Santa Barbara
- Battery 155 - St Andrews Sound
- Battery 155 - Ventura
- Battery 155 - North Cove
- Battery 155 - Westport
- Battery 155 - Point Loma
- Battery 201
- Battery 203
- Battery 204
- Battery 205
- Battery 206
- Battery 208
- Battery 213
- Battery 218
- Battery 219
- Battery 22
- Battery 221
- Battery 222
- Battery 223
- Battery 225
- Battery 226
- Battery 227
- Battery 228
- Battery 229
- Battery 230
- Battery 231
- Battery 232
- Battery 233
- Battery 234
- Battery 235
- Battery 236
- Battery 237
- Battery 238
- Battery 239
- Battery 240
- Battery 241
- Battery 242
- Battery 243
- Battery 244
- Battery 245
- Battery 246
- Battery 247
- Battery 248
- Battery 249
- Battery 25
- Battery AA5
- Camp Abbot
- Fort Abercrombie (1)
- Aberdeen Proving Ground
- Fort Abraham Lincoln
- Battery Acker
- Ackia Chickasaw Fort
- Acton House
- Battery Adair
- Camp Adair
- Fort Adair
- Adair Air Force Station
- Adair SAGE Direction Center DC-13
- Battery Adams
- Fort Adams (1)
- Fort Adams (1) Advanced Redoubt
- Fort Adams (2)
- Fort Adams (3)
- Fort Adobe Walls
- Advanced Redoubt
- Aiken Air Force Station
- United States Air Force Academy
- Fort Alafia (1)
- The Alamo
- Albuquerque ARTCC
- Post at Albuquerque
- Battery Alburtis
- Fort Alcatraz
- Fort Alden (2)
- Battery Alexander
- Camp Alexander (1)
- Battery Alexander (2)
- Fort Alexander (5)
- Alexander Blockhouse
- Fort Alexandria
- Camp Alger (2)
- Battery Allen
- Battery Harvey Allen
- Fort Allen (2)
- Fort Amanda
- Amarillo Air Force Base Radar Site
- American Camp
- Fort Amherst (2)
- Amherstburg Navy Yard
- Battery AMTB - Baker Beach
- Battery AMTB - Bluff Park
- Battery AMTB - Cortez
- Battery AMTB - Deception Pass
- Battery AMTB - Ebey's Landing
- Battery AMTB - Fort Pickens
- Battery AMTB - Fort Sumter
- Battery AMTB - Gaffey Bulge
- Battery AMTB - Galveston Seawall
- Battery AMTB - Gravelly Beach
- Battery AMTB - Lands End
- Battery AMTB - Marrowstone Point
- Battery AMTB - Point Wilson
- Battery AMTB 21 - Fort Story
- Battery AMTB 23 - Parrott
- Battery AMTB 24 - Fishermans Island
- Battery AMTB 2A - Sullivans Island
- Battery AMTB 5 - Fort Taylor
- Battery AMTB 5A - Fort Miles
- Battery AMTB 5B - Fort Miles
- Battery AMTB 6 - West Martello Tower
- Battery AMTB 7 - Cape May
- Battery AMTB 7 - Hancock
- Battery AMTB 8 - Peck
- Battery AMTB 922
- Battery AMTB 941
- Battery AMTB 951
- Battery AMTB 952
- Battery AMTB 961
- Battery AMTB 964
- Fort Anahuac
- Battery Anderson
- Fort Anderson (2)
- Fort Anderson (4)
- Andersonville
- Fort Andros
- Fort Ann (1)
- Fort Anne (1)
- Fort Anne (4)
- Battle of Antietam
- Fort Apache
- Apalachicola Arsenal
- Apalachicola Fort
- Fort Arbuckle (1)
- Arkansas Post
- Arlington FAA Radar Site
- Fort Armistead (1)
- Fort Armstrong (1)
- Battery Arnold
- Arrow Rock Fort
- Battery Arrowsmith
- Battery Ash
- Ashburn FAA Radar Site
- Fort Ashby
- Ashton FAA Radar Site
- Fort Assinniboine (1)
- Fort Assiniboine (2)
- Fort Astoria
- Camp Atchison
- Fort Atkinson (1)
- Camp Atkinson (2)
- Fort Atkinson (2)
- Fort Atkinson (3)
- Camp Atlantic Beach
- Audley Paul's Fort
- Camp Augur
- Augusta Powder Works
- Fort Augusta (1)
- Fort Augusta (2)
- Augusta Arsenal (1)
- Fort Augustus
- Camp Austin
- Battery Ayres
- Battery B - Fort Moultrie
- Battery Bacon
- Bacon's Castle
- Fort Badger
- Battery Bagley
- Battery Bailey (2)
- Battery Baker
- Fort Baker (1)
- Camp Baker (2)
- Fort Baker (2)
- Baker Air Force Station
- Battery Baldwin
- Fort Baldwin (1)
- Baldy Hughes Air Station
- Baleville WWII Radar Site
- Banff Cave & Basin Internment Camp
- Fort Bankhead (1)
- Battery Bankhead (1)
- Fort Banks (2)
- Fort Banks (3)
- Battery Barber
- Battery Barbour
- Camp Barkeley
- Camp Barlow
- Battery Barlow-Saxton
- Fort Barnwell (1)
- Barrack Green Armoury
- Fort Barrancas (1)
- Barrancas Barracks
- Barrington Air Station
- Battery Barry
- Fort Barry
- Bartlesville Air Force Station
- Battery Bartlett
- Fort Barton
- Fort Bartow (1)
- Fort Basinger
- Fort Baton Rouge
- Baton Rouge Arsenal
- Baton Rouge Barracks
- Battery JAAN 1 - Cabrillo Beach
- Battery JAAN 2 - Long Beach
- Battery Park Redoubt
- Battery Point Fort
- Battle of Corinth
- Fort Battleford
- Bay Street Armoury
- Fort Bayard (1)
- Battery Bayard (2)
- Beale Air Force Base
- Camp Beale
- Beale AFB Pave Paws Radar Site
- Beale SAGE Direction Center DC-18
- Camp Beale Spring
- Camp Beaty
- Beaufort Arsenal
- Fort Beaumont
- Camp Beauregard (1)
- Camp Beauregard (4)
- Fort Beauregard (5)
- Fort Beausejour
- Bedford Air Force Station
- Fort Belknap (2)
- Fort Belle Fontaine Arsenal
- Fort Belle Fontaine
- Bellingham Army Airfield
- Bellona Arsenal
- Battery Belmont
- Battery Belton
- Fort Belvoir
- Benicia Arsenal
- Benicia Barracks
- Benicia Military Reservation
- Fort Bennett (1)
- Fort Benning
- Battery Benson
- Fort Benton (1)
- Fort Benton (2)
- Bents Old Fort
- Bergstrom Air Force Base
- Bessborough Armoury
- Camp Bethany Beach
- Bethany Beach WWII Radar Site (1)
- Bethany Beach WWII Radar Site (2)
- Fort Bidwell
- Battery Bigelow
- Battery Bingham
- Bingham's Fort
- Fort Birdseye
- Black Point Fort
- Fort Black Rock (1)
- Blaine Air Force Station
- Battery Blair
- Fort Blakeley
- Fort Blanchard
- Camp Blanding
- Battery Blaney
- Fort Bliss
- Battery Bloomfield
- Fort Blount (1)
- Battery Bluff
- Boardman Flight Strip
- Fort le Boeuf
- Bogue Sound Blockhouse
- Battery Bohlen
- Fort Boise (1)
- Fort Boise (2)
- Bolsa Chica Military Reservation
- Battery Bomford
- Camp Bonneville
- Fort Bonneville (1)
- Fort Bonneville (2)
- Bootlegger Ridge FAA Radar Site
- Bordeaux Trading Post
- Boron Air Force Station
- Fort Borst
- Boston Hill Mitre Radar Test Site
- Camp Bouse
- Battery Boutelle
- Battery Bowdoin
- Fort Bowie
- Fort Bowman (1)
- Battery Bowyer
- Fort Bowyer
- Fort Boykin
- Fort Braden
- Braden Castle
- Fort Brady (1)
- Fort Brady (2)
- New Fort Brady
- Fort Bragg (2)
- Fort Branch (2)
- Battery Brannan
- Redoubt Brannan
- Fort Brewerton
- Fort Bridger
- Fort Bridgman
- Fort Briggs
- Fort Brooke
- Brooks Air Force Base
- Camp Brown (1)
- Fort Brown (3)
- Battery Bruff
- Fort Brule (2)
- Brunswick Air Force Station
- Fort de Buade
- Fort Buchanan (1)
- Buckingham House
- Buckley Space Force Base
- Bucks Harbor Air Force Station
- Fort Buenaventura
- Fort Buffalo
- Fort Buffington
- Fort Buford
- Fort Buhlow
- Fort Bull
- Fort Bunker Hill (1)
- Fort Burgundy
- Fort Burgwin
- Battery Burnes
- Battery Burnham
- Burns Air Force Station
- Camp Burnside (1)
- Fort Burnside
- Battery Butler
- Butler's Barracks
- Byhalia FAA Radar Site
- Fort Byington
- Fort C.F. Smith (1)
- Fort C.F. Smith (2)
- Cabanne's Trading Post
- Battery Calef-Wilkeson
- Fort Calgary
- Battery Call
- Call's Fort
- Battery Calwell
- Cambridge Battery
- Fort Cameron (1)
- Fort Campbell (1)
- Fort Canby
- Canmore NWMP Barracks
- Canoe Camp (2)
- Cap Diamant Redoubt
- Cape Arago WWII Radar Site
- Cape Charles Air Force Station
- Cape Cod Air Force Station
- Cape Elizabeth Military Reservation
- Cape May Military Reservation
- Cape Meares WWII Radar Site
- Battery Capron
- Fort Carleton (2)
- Camp Carlin
- Carlisle Barracks
- Fort Carlton (3)
- Carleton Martello Tower
- Fort Caroline
- Battery Carpenter
- Fort Carroll (1)
- Fort Carroll (2)
- Fort Carson
- Fort Casa Blanca
- Fort Cascades
- Fort Casey (1)
- Fort Casimir
- Fort Casino
- Fort Casper
- Fort Cass (5)
- Castillo de San Marcos
- Castle Mountain Internment Camp
- Castle Williams
- Battery Caswell
- Fort Caswell
- Mission of the Sacred Heart
- Cathcart Tower
- Battery Catlin
- Fort de Cavagnolle
- Cavalier Air Force Station
- Battery Cavallo
- CBP Air and Marine Operations Center
- Cedar Fort
- Cedar City FAA Radar Site
- Fort Celeste
- Battery Center
- Fort Chadbourne
- Fort Chaffee
- Chain Battery - West Point
- Chain Rock Battery
- Battery Chamberlin
- Chambers Blockhouse
- Fort Chambly
- Chandler Air Force Station
- Chapel Point Battery
- Battery Chapin
- Fort Chaplin
- Charles Towne Fort
- Charlesfort
- Charleston Air Force Station
- Charleston Arsenal (2)
- Fort Charlotte (2)
- Fort de Chartres
- Camp Chehalis
- Fort Cherokee
- Battery Chester
- Fort Chippawa
- Fort Chokonikla
- Fort Christina
- Fort Christmas
- Christmas Valley Air Force Station
- Battery Church
- Fort Churchill (1)
- The Citadel (2)
- Citronelle FAA Radar Site
- City Point Depot
- Battery Clagett
- Battery Claiborne
- Fort Claiborne (1)
- Fort Claiborne (2)
- Fort Clarence
- Battery Clark
- Fort Clark (1)
- Fort Clark (15)
- Fort Clark (5)
- Fort Clark (7)
- Fort Clarke (1)
- Fort Clatsop
- Clergue Blockhouse
- Fort Clinch (1)
- Fort Clinch (3)
- Castle Clinton
- Fort Clinton (1)
- Fort Clinton (2)
- Fort Clyde (2)
- Fort Cobb
- Fort Cobun
- Fort Coffee
- Battery Cogan
- Fort Collier
- Fort Collins (1)
- Fort Colorado
- Fort Columbia
- Columbia Arsenal (1)
- Columbia Arsenal Military Academy
- Columbus Fort
- Post Columbus
- Fort Colvile
- Colville Air Force Station
- Fort Colville
- Fort Comstock
- Fort Conahey
- Fort Conanicut
- Conanicut Battery
- Fort Concho
- Fort Conde
- Condon Air Force Station
- Fort Connah
- Connaught Battery
- Fort Constitution (2)
- Fort Constitution (3)
- Continental Village
- Camp Cooke (1)
- Battery Cooper
- Camp Cooper
- Fort Cooper (1)
- Cooper's Fort
- Fort Correctionville
- Fort Coteau du Lac
- Cottonwood Air Force Station
- Council Bluffs Blockhouse
- Courtenay Bay Breakwater Battery
- Cove Fort
- Battery Covington
- Fort at Cowlitz Landing
- Camp Coxcomb
- Fort Craig (1)
- Cranberry Head Battery
- Battery Cranston
- Fort Crawford (2)
- Creech Air Force Base
- Battery Crenshaw
- Fort Crevecoeur (1)
- Camp Crittenden
- Fort Crockett
- Crockett Blockhouse
- Battery Croghan
- Fort Croghan (1)
- Fort Cronkhite
- Fort Crook (1)
- Battery Crosby
- Fort Crown Point
- Camp Cuba Libre
- Battery Cullum
- Fort Cumberland (2)
- Fort Cumming
- Fort Cummings (5)
- Camp Curtin
- Fort Curtis
- Camp Curtis
- Fort Cusseta
- Fort Custer (1)
- Cut Bank Air Force Station
- Cut Bank Army Airfield
- Fort D.A. Russell (1)
- Fort D.A. Russell (2)
- Fort Dade (3)
- Dade Massacre
- Fort Daer
- Camp Dahlgren
- Fort Dakota
- Fort Dale
- Dallas Center Air Force Station
- Fort Dalles
- Fort Daniel
- Fort Darling
- Dauphin Island Air Force Station
- Dauphine Redoubt
- Fort Davidson
- Battery Davis (1)
- Fort Davis (1)
- Battery Davis (2)
- Camp Davis (4)
- Fort Davis (6)
- Fort Davis (7)
- Davis Blockhouse
- Davis WWII Radar Site
- Davis-Monthan Air Force Base
- Fort Dawes
- Camp Day
- Fort Dayton (1)
- Battery De Kalb
- Fort de L'Isle
- Battery De Leon
- Battery De Russy
- Fort De Russy (1)
- Fort De Russy (4)
- Fort De Soto
- Battery Dearborn
- Fort Dearborn (4)
- Battery Decatur
- Fort Decatur (1)
- Fort Defiance (2)
- Fort Defiance (14)
- Fort Defiance (16)
- Fort Defiance (19)
- Fort Defiance (3)
- Fort Defiance (5)
- Camp Del Rio
- Fort Delaware
- Deming Aerostat Radar Site
- Fort Dent
- Denver ARTCC
- Denver FAA Radar Site
- Fort Deposit (1)
- Fort Deposit (3)
- Fort Des Moines (1)
- Fort Des Sables
- Fort Deseret
- Fort Desperate
- Fort Dette
- Fort Devens
- Devil's Slide Military Reservation
- Devil's Slide WWII Radar Site
- Devils Point Battery
- Camp Dewey (1)
- Fort Dickerson
- Fort Dickinson
- Fort Dilts
- Battery Dilworth
- Fort Dinwiddie (1)
- Camp Disappointment
- Battery Dix
- Fort Dobbs (1)
- Fort Dobie
- Battery Dodd
- Fort Dodge (1)
- Camp Dodge (1)
- Camp Dodge (2)
- Fort Dodge (2)
- Fort Dole
- Battle of Fort Donelson
- Fort Donelson
- Fort Dorchester (1)
- Fort Douglas (1)
- Fort Douglas (2)
- Dow AFB BOMARC Missile Site
- Battery Downes
- Battery Drew
- Camp Drum (3)
- Fort Drum (2)
- Fort Drum (3)
- Fort Drummond (1)
- Fort Drummond (2)
- Battery Duane
- Camp River Dubois
- Fort Dufferin
- Fort Duffield
- Duke of York Martello Tower
- Fort Dummer (1)
- Fort Duncan (1)
- Fort DuPont (1)
- Fort DuPont (2)
- Battery Duportail
- Fort Duquesne (1)
- Fort Duquesne (2)
- Fort Durkee
- Fort Duvall
- Battery Dyer
- Dyersburg Army Airfield
- Battery Dynamite (1)
- Battery Dynamite (2)
- Battery Dynamite (3)
- Eagle Pass Air Force Station
- Fort Early
- Fort Early (2)
- Battery East
- East Branch Tower
- East Point Military Reservation
- Fort Eaton (1)
- Fort Ebey (2)
- Ebey Blockhouse
- Fort Ebey WWII Radar Site
- Fort Edgecomb
- Fort Edmonton
- Fort Edward (1)
- Fort Edward (3)
- Battery Edwards
- Camp Edwards (1)
- Fort Edwards (3)
- Edwards Air Force Base
- Egg Rock Battery
- El Castillo de Monterey
- Battery Elder
- Eldorado Air Force Station
- Fort Elizabeth Meagher
- Ellington Air Force Base Radar Site
- Fort Elliott
- Fort Ellis
- Ellsworth Air Force Base
- Ellsworth Air Force Station
- Battery Emory
- Fort Emory
- Empire Air Force Station
- English Camp
- England Air Force Base Radar Site
- Battery Engle (1)
- Ent Air Force Base
- Ephrata Army Airfield
- Fort Erie
- Battery Ernst
- Battery Erwin
- CFB Esquimalt
- Fort Ethan Allen (1)
- Fort Ethan Allen (2)
- Fort Ethier
- Battery Eubank
- Eufaula Air Force Station
- Battery Eustis
- Fort Eustis
- Battery Experimental
- Fairchild Air Force Base
- Fort Fairfield (1)
- Fort Fairmont
- Fallon Air Force Station
- False Cape WWII Radar Site
- Fort Farine
- Battery Farnsworth
- Farr's Fort
- Battery Farry
- Fort Fayette (1)
- Ferguson Point Battery
- Battery Field
- Finland Air Force Station
- Finlayson Point Battery
- Finley Air Force Station
- Finley FAA Radar Site
- Fort Finney
- First Narrows Battery (North)
- Fort Fisher (1)
- Fort Fisher (2)
- Fort Fisher (3)
- Fishkill Barracks
- Fort Fizzle
- Fort Flagler
- Flathead Post (1)
- Flathead Post (2)
- Flintstone Air Force Station
- Camp Floyd
- Battery Foote
- Fort Foote (1)
- Battery Ford
- Ford's Fort
- Fort Forman
- Battery Fornance
- Camp Forrest
- Fort Fisher Air Force Station
- Fort Frederick Tower
- Fort Huachuca Aerostat Radar Site
- Fort Lawton Air Force Station
- Fort Miles WWII Radar Site (1)
- Fort Miles WWII Radar Site (2)
- Battery Fort Point
- Fort Stevens Lashup Radar Site
- Fort Stevens WWII Radar Site
- Fort Worden WWII Radar Site (1)
- Fort Worden WWII Radar Site (2)
- Fort Worth ARTCC
- Forty Fort
- Fort Foster (1)
- Fort Foster (2)
- Fort Foster (3)
- Camp Foster
- Fourth Cliff Military Reservation
- Francis Peak FAA Radar Site
- Fort Francisco Plaza
- Fort Frankfort
- Fort Franklin (1)
- Fort Franklin (2)
- Fort Fraser (1)
- Fort Fraser (3)
- Fort Fred Steele
- Fort Frederica
- Fort Frederick (1)
- Fort Frederick (2)
- Fort Frederick (3)
- Fort Frederick (5)
- Fort Frederick (7)
- Fort Frederick (8)
- Battery Freeman
- Fort Fremont
- Fort Frey
- Fort Frontenac
- Fort Funston
- Fort Furieuse
- Camp Furlong
- Battery Gadsden
- Fort Gadsden
- Fort Gaines (1)
- Fort Gaines (3)
- Fort Gallatin
- Battery Gantt
- Battery Gardiner
- Battery Gardner
- Battery Garesche
- Fort Garland
- Lower Fort Garry
- Upper Fort Garry
- Fort Gaspareaux
- Fort Gaston
- Battery Gates
- Gates of the Mountains Camp
- Battery Gatewood
- Fort Gatlin
- Geiger Air Force Base
- Geiger Manual Direction Center SM-172
- Fort Genoa
- Fort George (10)
- Fort George (11)
- Fort George (12)
- Fort George (15)
- Fort George (16)
- Fort George (6)
- Fort George (7)
- Fort George (9)
- Fort George Wright
- Fort Getty
- Battle of Gettysburg
- Gettysburg Air Force Station
- Camp Gibbs
- Fort Gibraltar
- Battery Gibson
- Fort Gibson (1)
- Gila River War Relocation Center
- Fort Gilleland
- Fort Gilmer (2)
- Fort Gilmer (3)
- Gingras Trading Post
- Glasgow Air Force Base
- Glasgow Army Airfield
- Fort Gloucester
- Battery Godfrey
- Golf Hill Battery
- Fort Goliad
- Fort Gordon
- Gordon Stockade
- Gordon's Pond WWII Radar Site
- Fort Gosselin
- Government Point Battery
- Battery Graham
- Granada War Relocation Center
- Grand Forks SAGE Direction Center DC-11
- Grand Portage Post
- Battery Granger
- Fort Granger (1)
- Fort Granger (2)
- Fort Grant (2)
- Camp Grant (6)
- Fort Gratiot
- Battery Grattan
- Gravel Hill Battery - Constitution Island
- Camp Grayling
- Great Redoubt
- Fort Greble (1)
- Fort Green Clay Smith
- Fort Green FAA Radar Site
- Fort Greene (2)
- Fort Greene Ville
- Battery Greene-Edgerton
- Battery Gregg
- Fort Gregg (1)
- Fort Gregg (2)
- Fort Grierson
- Fort Griffin (2)
- Fort Griffin (3)
- Griffiss Air Force Base
- Griffiss JSS ROCC
- Fort Griffith
- Fort Griswold
- Battery Guenther
- Gulfport Army Air Field
- Battery Gunnison
- Gunter SAGE Direction Center DC-09
- Battery Guthrie
- Camp Haan
- Battery Habersham
- Hager's Fort
- Fort Hale (1)
- Haleyville FAA Radar Site
- Half Moon Bay WWII Radar Site
- Fort Halifax (1)
- Fort Halifax (2)
- Halifax Armoury
- Halifax Citadel
- Battery Hall
- Fort Hall (1)
- Fort Hall (2)
- Battery Halleck
- Fort Halleck (2)
- Hamilton Manual Direction Center P-48
- Battery Hampton
- Fort Hampton (1)
- Fort Hampton (2)
- Fort Hancock (1)
- Camp Hancock (1)
- Fort Hancock (2)
- Fort Hancock (3)
- Hancock SAGE Direction Center DC-03
- Hannah Cole's Fort
- Battery Hardman
- Battery Harker (1)
- Fort Harker (1)
- Fort Harker (3)
- Camp Harlan
- Fort Harmony
- Fort Harney (1)
- Harpers Ferry Arsenal and Armory
- Battery Harris
- Fort Harris
- Camp Harris (1)
- Battery Harrison (2)
- Fort Harrison (3)
- Fort Harrison (4)
- Fort Harrod
- Fort Hartsuff
- Fort Haskell
- Battery Haslet
- Fort Hatch
- Fort Hatteras
- Hattiesburg Army Air Field
- Fort Haven
- Havre Air Force Station
- Fort Hawkins
- Battery Hawley
- Hawthorne Army Depot
- Camp Hayden
- Fort Hayes (1)
- Battery Hays
- Camp Hays
- Fort Hays (1)
- Fort Hays (4)
- Fort Heard
- Heart Mountain War Relocation Center
- Fort Heath
- Battery Heileman
- Fort Heiman
- Camp Henderson
- Fort Henderson (5)
- Fort Henness
- Fort Henrietta
- Fort Henry (1)
- Fort Henry (10)
- Fort Henry (2)
- Fort Henry (3)
- Fort Henry (5)
- Henry House
- Battery Hentig
- Herkimer Home
- Fort Herriman
- Fort Hetzel
- Highlands Military Reservation
- Highlands Air Force Station
- Fort Higley
- Hill Air Force Base
- Camp Hill (1)
- Fort Hill (2)
- Hill 640 WWII Radar Site
- Hill Air Force Base Radar Site
- Battery Hindman
- Fort Hindman
- Battery Hobart
- Battery Hogan
- Fort Hoke
- Holloman Air Force Base
- Fort Holmes (1)
- Fort Homestead
- Battery Honeycutt
- Fort Hood (1)
- Fort Hood (2)
- Fort Hope (1)
- Camp Hopkins
- Fort Hornsby
- Battery Hoskins
- Fort Hoskins
- Battery House (1)
- Houston ARTCC
- Houston's Fort
- Fort Houstoun
- Battery Howard
- Fort Howard (1)
- Fort Howard (3)
- Fort Howe (1)
- Battery Howe (1)
- Battery Howe (2)
- Fort Howell
- Fort Huachuca
- Battery Hudson
- Fort Hudson (1)
- Battery Huger
- Fort Huger (2)
- Fort Huger (3)
- Huggins Island Fort
- Fort Hughes (1)
- Fort Hughes (2)
- Fort Hugonin
- Fort Humboldt
- Battery Humphreys (2)
- Battery Humphreys (3)
- Fort Hunt
- Fort Hunter (1)
- Battery Hunter (2)
- Fort Hunter Liggett
- Huntsville Fort
- Hupp's Fort
- Hutchinson Air Force Station
- Fort Jackson (2)
- Fort Jackson (3)
- Fort Jackson (4)
- Fort Jackson (6)
- Battle of Forts Jackson and St. Philip
- Jackson Barracks
- Jacksonville ARTCC
- Fort James (2)
- James Fort
- James White’s Fort
- Battery Jameson
- Janeaux’s Post (2)
- Fort Janesville
- Battery Jasper
- Jasper House
- Fort Jay
- Jedburg FAA Radar Site
- Fort Jefferson (1)
- Fort Jefferson (2)
- Jefferson Barracks
- Camp Jefferson Davis
- Fort Jennings
- Battery Jesup
- Fort Jesup
- Joelton Air Force Station
- Fort John Custis
- Fort Johnson (1)
- Fort Johnson (3)
- Fort Johnson (4)
- Fort Johnson (5)
- Fort Johnson (8)
- Fort Johnson (9)
- Johnson's Fort (1)
- Johnson's Fort (2)
- Fort Johnston (1)
- Fort Johnston (2)
- K.I. Sawyer Air Force Base
- K.I. Sawyer SAGE Direction Center DC-14
- Kalispell Air Force Station
- Fort Kaministiquia (1)
- Fort Kamloops
- Kamloops Air Station
- Fort Kanarra
- Kansas City ARTCC
- Kapyong Barracks
- Fort Kaskaskia
- Fort Kearny (1)
- Fort Kearny (2)
- Keesler Air Force Base
- Keller FAA Radar Site
- Battery Kellogg
- Kelly Air Force Base
- Battery Kemble
- Kennebec Arsenal
- Kenney's Fort
- Keno Air Force Station
- Fort Kent
- Battery Key
- Key West Barracks
- Battery Keyes
- Camp Keyes
- Killeen Air Force Station
- Camp Kilmer
- Battery Kimble
- Kincheloe AFB BOMARC Missile Site
- Battery King
- Fort King
- Fort King George
- King Mountain FAA Radar Site
- Battery Kingman
- Kingman Air Force Station
- Fort Kingsbury
- Battery Kingsbury (1)
- Kingsley Field
- Kington Fort
- Fort Kinney
- Battery Kinzie
- Fort Kiowa
- Battery Kirby
- Battery Kirby Beach
- Battery Kirk
- Kirksville Air Force Station
- Kirtland Manual Direction Center P-41
- Kitty Hawk WWII Radar Site
- Fort Klamath
- Klamath Air Force Station
- Fort Klock (1)
- Fort Knox (2)
- Fort Knox (1)
- Kootenai Post (1)
- Kootenai Post (2)
- Kootenai Post (3)
- Battery Krayenbuhl
- Kullyspell House
- Fort La Barge
- Fort La Presentation
- Fort La Reine
- Fort La Tour
- Lacine Fur Depot
- Lackland Air Force Base
- Lackland Air Force Base Radar Site
- Lacolle River Blockhouse
- Fort Lafayette (1)
- Fort Laguna Chapala
- Battery Laidley
- Fort Lajitas
- Lake Charles Air Force Station
- Lake City Air Force Station
- Fort Lamar (1)
- Battery Lancaster
- Fort Lancaster (1)
- Fort Lane (1)
- Fort Lane (2)
- Battery Langdon
- Fort Langley
- Fort Lapwai
- Fort Laramie
- Laredo Air Force Station
- Fort Larned
- Larson Air Force Base
- Larson SAGE Direction Center DC-15
- Las Cruces Air Force Station
- Las Vegas Air Force Station
- Last Mountain House
- Laughlin Air Force Base
- Fort Lavaca
- Battery Laval
- Fort Lawrence (3)
- Fort Lawton
- Battery Lazear
- Battery Leary-Merriam
- Fort Leaton
- Fort Leavenworth
- Battery Ledyard
- Battery Lee
- Battery Lee (2)
- Fort Lee (2)
- Fort Lee (4)
- Fort Lee (5)
- Fort Lee SAGE Direction Center DC-04
- Camp Lejeune
- Fort Leland
- Fort Lemhi
- Fort Couch
- Fort Lennox
- Fort Leonard Wood (1)
- Camp Leroy Johnson
- Fort Lesley J. McNair
- Fort Leslie
- Lethbridge Internment Camp
- Lethbridge NWMP Barracks
- Fort Levett
- Levis Fort No. 1
- Levis Fort No. 2
- Levis Fort No. 3
- Lewes Battery
- Battery Lewis
- Fort Lewis (1)
- Camp Lewis (4)
- Fort Lewis (5)
- Lewistown Army Airfield
- Lewistown Air Force Station
- Liberty Arsenal
- Light's Fort
- Fort Ligonier
- Battery Lincoln (1)
- Fort Lincoln (2)
- Fort Lincoln (1)
- Battery Lincoln (2)
- Camp Lincoln (4)
- Camp Lincoln (5)
- Lincolnton FAA Radar Site
- Fort Lipantitlan
- Fort Lisa (3)
- Camp Little
- Little River Fort
- Little Rock Arsenal
- Battery Livingston
- Battery Lobos
- Camp Lockett
- Battery Logan
- Fort Logan (1)
- Fort Logan (2)
- Fort at Lone Tree Point
- Battery Long
- Long Camp
- Long Point Military Reservation
- Fort Loramie
- Battery Lord
- Fort Loudoun (1)
- Fort Loudoun (2)
- Fort Louis de la Louisiane
- Fortress of Louisbourg
- Lovell FAA Radar Site
- Camp Low
- Battery Lowell
- Fort Lowell (1)
- Fort Rodd Hill Lower Battery
- Lower Portage Camp
- Lowry Air Force Base
- Fort Loyal
- Fort Lugenbeel
- Luke Air Force Base
- Luke SAGE Direction Center DC-21
- Fort Lupton
- Camp Lyon (1)
- Fort Lyon (2)
- Battery Lytle
- Fort Lyttleton (2)
- Camp Mabry
- Fort MacArthur
- Fort Macaulay
- MacDill Air Force Base
- MacDill Air Force Base Radar Site
- Fort Machault
- Fort Mackenzie
- MacKenzie's Post
- Fort Mackinac
- Fort Macleod
- Fort Macleod NWMP Barracks
- Fort Macomb (1)
- Fort Macon
- Fort Madawaska
- Madera Air Force Station
- Fort Madison (1)
- Battery Madison (1)
- Battery Madison (2)
- Fort Madison (3)
- Madison Barracks
- Madras Army Airfield
- Fort Maginnis (1)
- Fort Magruder (1)
- Fort Magruder (3)
- Battery Mahan
- Fort Mahan
- Fort Mahone
- Fort Maison Rouge
- Fort Maitland
- Makah Air Force Station
- Fort Malden
- Malmstrom Air Force Base
- Malmstrom Air Force Base Radar Site
- Malmstrom Manual Direction Center P-83
- Malmstrom SAGE Direction Center DC-20
- Fort Maloney
- Fort Manada
- Manassas Air Force Station
- Fort Mandan (1)
- Manhattan Beach Military Reservation
- Fort Mann
- Mansker's Station (1)
- Battery Many
- March Air Force Base
- Camp Marcy
- Fort Marcy (3)
- Fort Marcy (2)
- Maria's River Camp
- Marietta Air Force Station
- Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego
- Fort Marr
- Marshall Military Reservation
- Marshall MR WWII Radar Site
- Fort Martin Scott
- Fort de la Martiniere
- Fort Mason (1)
- Fort Mason (2)
- Fort Mason (3)
- Fort Massac
- Fort Massachusetts (1)
- Fort Massey
- Fort Matanzas
- Fort Matson
- Mattawa House
- Camp Matthews
- Fort Maurepas (1)
- Fort Maurepas (3)
- Camp Maury
- Fort McAllister (1)
- Camp McCain
- Fort McCausland
- McChord Air Force Base
- McChord AFB Lashup Radar Site
- McChord Air Force Base Radar Site
- McChord Manual Direction Center P-4
- McChord SAGE Combat Center CC-3
- McChord SAGE Direction Center DC-12
- Fort McClary
- Fort McClellan (1)
- Fort McCook (2)
- Battery McCorkle
- Fort McCoy
- Fort McDermit
- Fort McDermott
- Battery McDonough (1)
- Battery McDonough (2)
- Camp McDougal
- Fort McDowell (1)
- Fort McDowell (2)
- Battery McFarland
- Battery McGrath
- Fort McGraw
- McGregor Armoury
- McGuire SAGE Direction Center DC-01
- Fort McHenry
- Fort McIntosh (1)
- Battery McIntosh (1)
- Battery McKavett
- Fort McKavett
- Fort McKenzie
- Camp McKinley (3)
- Fort McKinley
- Camp McKinley (1)
- Fort McKinney
- Battery McKinnon
- Fort McLeod
- McMahan's Fort
- Fort McNab
- Fort McPherson (2)
- Fort McRae
- Fort McRee
- Fort Meade (1)
- Fort Meade (2)
- Fort Meade (3)
- Fort Thomas F Meagher
- Medicine Hat NWMP Barracks
- Battery Meigs
- Fort Meigs (1)
- Camp Meigs (2)
- Melbourne FAA Radar Site
- Battery Mellon
- Fort Mellon
- Memphis ARTCC
- Battery Mendell
- Battery Mercer
- Fort Merrill
- Mewata Armoury
- Fort Miamis
- Mica Peak Air Force Station
- Mica Peak FAA Radar Site
- Fort Micanopy
- Camp Michie
- Fort Michilimackinac (2)
- Middle Point Military Reservation
- Milagra Ridge Military Reservation
- Milagra Ridge WWII Radar Site
- Fort Miles
- Fort Miley
- Fort Mill Ridge
- Mill Valley Air Force Station
- Battery Millar
- Battery Miller
- Fort Miller (1)
- Battery Mills
- Battery Mills (2)
- Camp Milton
- Fort Mims
- Minidoka War Relocation Center
- Minot Air Force Station
- Minot SAGE Direction Center DC-19
- Minto Armoury
- Battery Mishler
- Mission Nuestra Senora de la Purisima Concepcion
- Mission de San Agustin del Tucson
- Mission Gran Quivira
- Mission La Purisima
- Mission Nombre de Dios
- Mission Nuestra Senora de la Candelaria (1)
- Mission Nuestra Señora de Purísima Concepción de Quarai
- Mission Nuestra Senora de la Soledad
- Mission Nuestra Senora del Espiritu Santo de Zuniga
- Mission Nuestra Senora del Refugio
- Mission Nuestra Senora del Rosario
- Mission Puerto de Purísima Concepción
- Mission San Antonio de Padua
- Mission San Buenaventura
- Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo
- Mission San Diego
- Mission San Esteban de Acoma
- Mission San Fernando Rey de Espana
- Mission San Francisco de Asis
- Mission San Francisco de la Espada
- Mission San Francisco Solano
- Mission San Francisco Xavier de los Dolores
- Mission San Gabriel
- Mission San Gregorio de Abo
- Mission San Ildefonso
- Mission San Jose
- Mission San Jose de la Laguna
- Mission San Jose de Tumacacori
- Mission San Jose y San Miguel de Aguayo
- Mission San Juan Bautista
- Mission San Juan Capistrano
- Mission San Juan Capistrano (2)
- Mission San Juan de Puerto
- Mission San Juan del Puerto
- Mission San Luis de Talimali
- Mission San Luis Obispo
- Mission San Luis Rey de Francia
- Mission San Miguel (2)
- Mission San Miguel Arcangel
- Mission San Pedro y San Pablo de Bicuñer
- Mission San Rafael Arcangel
- Mission San Xavier del Bac
- Mission Santa Barbara
- Mission Santa Clara de Asis
- Mission Santa Cruz
- Mission Santa Ines
- Mission Socorro
- Mission Ysleta
- Fort Mississauga
- Fort Missoula
- Fort Mitchel
- Battery Mitchell (1)
- Fort Mitchell (3)
- Fort Mitchell (5)
- Fort Monroe
- Fort de la Montagne
- Montana State Arsenal
- Camp Monte Sano
- Fort Montgomery (1)
- Battery Montgomery (2)
- Fort Montgomery (2)
- Fort Montgomery (4)
- Montgomery FAA Radar Site
- Montmorency Redoubt
- Battery Moore
- Fort Moore (2)
- Camp Moore (3)
- Fort Moore (4)
- Fort Moreau
- Fort Morgan (1)
- Fort Morgan (2)
- Moriarty Air Force Station
- Battery Morris (1)
- Fort Morris (1)
- Camp Morrison
- Fort Mortimer
- Fort Morton (4)
- Fort Mose
- Fort Mott (1)
- Fort Moultrie
- Fort Moultrie WWII Radar Site (3)
- Mound Fort
- Mount Hebo Air Force Station
- Mount Laguna Air Force Station
- Mount Lemmon Air Force Station
- Battery Mount Vernon
- Mount Vernon Arsenal (2)
- Mountain Home Air Force Base
- Battery Mudge
- Fort Munson
- Murney Tower
- Battery Murphy (1)
- Fort Myer
- Fort Myers
- Nanaimo Bastion
- Naselle Air Force Station
- Battery Nash
- Fort Nash
- Fort Nashborough
- Natchez Fort
- Camp Navajo
- Battery Navy Guns - El Segundo
- Fort Needham
- Fort Negley (1)
- Fort Negley (2)
- Nellis Air Force Base
- Camp Nelson
- Fort Nephi
- Fort New Echota
- New Madrid Post
- New Orleans Arsenal
- New Ulm Fort
- New Windsor Cantonment
- New York Arsenal
- Fort Newport
- Newport Barracks (1)
- Fort Niagara
- Battery Nicholson
- Fort Ninety-Six
- Fort Nisqually
- Fort Nogales
- Fort Norfolk
- Fort Normandeau
- North Bay CFB BOMARC Missile Site
- North Bay Regional Air Operations Centre
- North Bay SAGE Direction Center DC-31
- North Bend Air Force Station
- North Charleston Air Force Station
- North Ogden Fort
- North Truro Air Force Station
- North West Arm Battery
- Northeast Bastion Battery
- Norton Manual Direction Center P-84
- Norton SAGE Direction Center DC-17
- Camp Norway
- Fort Nugent
- Camp Nye
- Fort Núñez Gaona
- Fort O'Brien
- Battery O'Flyng
- Battery O'Rorke
- Oceana NAS Radar Site
- Ogden Arsenal
- Ogden Fort
- Ogden Point Battery
- Fort Ogilvie (1)
- Fort Ogilvie (2)
- Fort Oglethorpe (2)
- Fort Ohio
- Fort Okanogan
- Oklahoma City Air Force Station
- Olathe Air Force Station
- Old Garrison
- Old Stone Fort (1)
- Fort Omaha
- Omaha Air Force Station
- Fort Ontario
- Opheim Air Force Station
- Fort Orange
- Battery Ord
- Fort Ord
- Fort Orford
- Fort Orleans (1)
- Ortona Armoury
- Fort Osage
- Fort Osborne Barracks
- Battery Osceola
- Battery Osgood-Farley
- Oskaloosa FAA Radar Site
- Fort Ostell
- Fort Oswego
- Othello Air Force Station
- Fort Owen
- Ozona Air Force Station
- Pacific Beach Lashup Radar Site
- Paine Air Force Base
- Fort Palmer
- Lunette Palmer
- Fort Panbian
- Panguitch Fort
- Paragonah Fort
- Battery Parapet
- Camp Parapet
- Battery Parker
- Fort Parker (1)
- Fort Parker (2)
- Parowan Adobe Fort
- Battery Parrott (1)
- Patit Creek Camp
- Patrick Air Force Base Radar Site
- Patrick Space Force Base
- Battery Payne
- Fort Payne (1)
- Fort Peachtree
- Peak's Island Military Reservation
- Fort Pearce
- Fort Pearsall
- Pearson Field
- Battery Peck
- Fort Peck
- Fort Pemberton (1)
- Fort Pembina (1)
- Pembina House
- Camp Pendleton (2)
- Battery Pennington
- Pennsylvania State Arsenal
- Battery Pensacola
- Fort at Pensacola
- Fort Pentagoet
- Fort Peterson
- Peterson Space Force Base
- Fort Petrie
- Fort Peña Colorado
- Fort Phantom Hill
- Fort Phil Kearny
- Battery Phillips
- Fort Phoenix
- Fort Pic
- Fort Pickens
- Fort Pickens WWII Radar Site (1)
- Fort Pickens WWII Radar Site (2)
- Fort Pickens WWII Radar Site (3)
- Fort Pickering (1)
- Fort Pickering (2)
- Pickstown Air Force Station
- Fort Piegan (1)
- Fort Pierce
- Fort Pierre (1)
- Fort Pierre (2)
- Fort Pike (1)
- Pikes Stockade
- Fort Pillow
- Camp Pilot Butte
- Castle Pinckney
- Pipe Spring Fort
- Fort Pipestone
- Fort Pitt (1)
- Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site
- Fort Place
- Fort Plain
- Plattsburgh Barracks
- Battery Plunkett
- Plymouth Fort
- Fort Pocahontas (1)
- Fort Pocahontas (2)
- Fort de la Point
- Fort Point (1)
- Fort Point (3)
- Point Atkinson Battery
- Point Grey Battery
- Point Montara WWII Radar Site
- Fort at Point Peter
- Point Pleasant Battery
- Point Vicente Military Reservation
- Camp Polk (1)
- Fort Polk (2)
- Battery Pope
- Fort Popham
- Camp Poplar River
- Port Gamble Blockhouse
- Port-Royal Habitation
- Battery Porter
- Fort Porter (1)
- Poston War Relocation Center
- Poston Air Force Station
- Battery Potter
- Battery Powell (1)
- Fort Powell (1)
- Battery Powell (2)
- Fort Pownall
- Battery Pratt
- Fort Preble
- Presidio of Albuquerque
- Presidio of Monterey (1)
- Presidio of Monterey (2)
- Presidio of San Diego
- Presidio of San Francisco
- Presidio of Santa Barbara
- Presidio of Santa Fe
- Presidio of Tubac
- Presidio of Tucson
- Presidio San Antonio de Bexar
- Presidio San Elizario
- Presidio San Miguel de Panzacola
- Presidio San Saba
- Presidio Santa Maria de Galve
- Fort Presque Isle (1)
- Fort Presque Isle (2)
- Camp Price
- Prince Albert Armoury
- Prince Albert Blockhouse
- Prince Albert NWMP Post
- Prince Edward Battery
- Fort Prince George (1)
- Prince of Wales Armouries
- Prince of Wales Martello Tower
- Prince of Wales Redoubt
- Fort Pueblo
- Fort Pulaski
- Battery Putnam
- Fort Putnam (1)
- Fort Putney
- Pyote Air Force Station
- Fort Rains
- Fort Raleigh
- Fort Ramsay (2)
- Fort Randall
- Battery Randol
- Fort Randolph (1)
- Fort Randolph (2)
- Randolph Air Force Base
- Battery Ransom
- Fort Ransom (2)
- Camp Rapid
- Rat Portage Post
- Battery Rathbone
- Battery Rawlins
- RCAF Station Falconbridge
- Battery Read
- Fort Reading
- Camp Recovery
- Fort Recovery (1)
- Red Bluff Air Force Station
- Fort Red Clay
- Red Fort
- Red Head Battery
- Redmond Army Airfield
- Redoubt 1 - West Point
- Redoubt 2 - West Point
- Redoubt 4 - West Point
- Redoubt 6 - Constitution Island
- Redoubt 7 - Constitution Island
- Redstone Arsenal
- Reed and Bowles Trading Post
- Reed's Fort (1)
- Reed's Fort (2)
- Regina Armoury
- Regina NWMP Depot
- Rehoboth Bay WWII Radar Site
- Fort Reid
- Remsen FAA Radar Site
- Battery Reno
- Fort Reno (1)
- Fort Reno (2)
- Fort Reno (New)
- Fort Reno (3)
- Fort Van Alstyne
- Fort de Repentigny
- Battery Revere
- Fort Revere
- Battery Reynolds
- Fort Reynolds (1)
- Rice Army Air Field
- Fort Rice (1)
- Camp Rice (2)
- Richards-Gebaur Manual Direction Center SM-169
- Richards-Gebaur SAGE Direction Center DC-08
- Battery Richardson
- Fort Richardson (1)
- Battery Richmond
- Richmond Arsenal
- Fort Ricketts
- Battery Ridge
- Camp Rilea
- Fort Riley (2)
- Battery Ripley
- Camp Ripley
- Fort Ripley (1)
- Battery Ritchie
- Roanoke Rapids Air Force Station
- Camp Roberts (1)
- Battery Robinett
- Battery Robinson
- Fort Robinson (1)
- Camp Joseph T. Robinson
- Rock Fort
- Rock Fort Camp
- Rocky Mountain House
- Fort Rodd Hill
- Fort Rodman
- Battery Rodney-Best
- Rogers FAA Radar Site
- Rohwer War Relocation Center
- Romans Battery - Constitution Island
- Romans Blockhouse - Constitution Island
- Rome Arsenal
- Roop's Fort
- Fort Roots
- Fort Rosalie
- Fort Rosecrans
- Fortress Rosecrans
- Camp Ross
- Fort Ross
- Fort Rouge
- Fort Rouille
- Royal Battery
- Royal Artillery Park
- Fort Rucker
- Camp John A. Rucker
- Fort Ruckman
- Battery Russell
- Camp Russell
- Fort Russell (1)
- Fort Rutland
- Rye Air Force Station
- Fort Sabine (1)
- Fort Sabine Military Reservation
- Battery Saffold
- Sagamore Hill Military Reservation
- Saint Andrews Blockhouse
- Fort Saint Clair
- Saint Helen Island Fort
- Fort Saint Jean (1)
- Fort Saint Jean (2)
- Fort Saint Jean Baptiste
- Fort Saint Joseph (1)
- Fort Saint Joseph (3)
- Saint Joseph Mission
- Fort Saint Louis (1)
- Fort St. Marys (1)
- Fort Sainte Anne (1)
- Fort Sainte Therese
- Saleesh House (1)
- Fort Salt Lake City
- Salt Lake City ARTCC
- Salt Ponds Military Reservation
- Fort Sam Houston
- Sampson Air Force Base
- San Antonio Arsenal
- Camp San Carlos
- Fort San Carlos (2)
- Fort San Carlos de Austria
- Fort San Jacinto
- Fort San Luis de Apalachee
- Camp San Luis Obispo
- Camp San Luis Rey
- Fort San Nicholas
- San Pedro Hill Air Force Station
- Battery Sanders
- Fort Sanders (1)
- Fort Sanders (2)
- Sandy Hook Proving Ground
- Fort Sanford
- Saratoga Springs Air Force Station
- Camp Sarcee
- Fort Saskatchewan
- Battery Sater
- Fort Saulsbury
- Sault Ste Marie Air Force Station
- Sault Ste. Marie Trading Post
- Camp Savage
- Battery Saxton (2)
- Fort Saybrook
- Fort Scammel
- Fort Schellbourne
- Battery Schenck
- Battery Schenck (2)
- Schoharie Blockhouse
- Fort Schuyler (5)
- Fort Scott (3)
- Camp Scott (2)
- Fort Scott (2)
- Fort Scott (4)
- Fort Screven
- Seattle ARTCC
- Second Texas Lunette
- Fort Sedgwick (3)
- Fort Selden (2)
- Fort Sellers
- Selma Arsenal
- Battery Seminole
- Battery Sevier
- Sevier Station (1)
- Fort Sewall
- Fort Seward (1)
- Battery Seymour
- Fort Shannon
- Fort Shaw
- Camp Shelby
- Fort Sherbrooke (2)
- Sherburne's Redoubt - West Point
- Camp Sheridan (4)
- Fort Sherman (1)
- Fort Sherman (2)
- Fort Sherman (3)
- Fort Sherman (4)
- Battery Sherwood
- Battle of Shiloh
- Battery Shipp
- Shoal Tower
- Fort Sidney
- Fort Sill (1)
- Fort Simcoe
- Fort Sinquefield
- Sioux City SAGE Direction Center DC-22
- Fort Sisseton
- Siwash Rock Battery
- Fort Skalkaho
- Battery Slaughter
- Battery Slemmer
- Slidell FAA Radar Site
- Fort Slocum (1)
- Fort Smallwood
- Battery Smartt
- Battery Smith (1)
- Camp Smith (1)
- Fort Smith (2)
- Smith's Fort (2)
- Battery Smur
- Fort Snelling
- Fort Snyder (1)
- Fort Sod
- Camp Sonoma
- Sophia's Fort
- South Fort
- Spanish Fort (1)
- Battery Spanish War
- Spaulding Mission
- Spearfish Stockade
- Battery Spencer
- Camp Spencer
- Spirit Lake Fort
- Fort Spokane (1)
- Fort Spokane (2)
- Spokane House
- Battery Springer
- Square Redoubt
- Fort St Vrain
- Fort St. Charles (1)
- Fort St. Ferdinand
- St. Francis Barracks
- Fort St. Frederic
- Fort St. George (2)
- Fort St. James
- Fort St. John (1)
- Fort St. John (2)
- St. John's Bluff 8" Battery
- St. John's Bluff Confederate Battery
- St. John's Bluff Siege Battery
- Fort St. Leon
- Fort St. Louis (1)
- St. Louis Arsenal
- Fort St. Louis (8)
- Fort St. Peter
- Fort Stamford
- Camp Stanley
- Stanley Barracks
- Battery Stanton
- Fort Stanton (1)
- Fort Stanton (2)
- Fort Stanwix
- Star Fort (1)
- Fort Stark
- Fort Ste. Marie de Grace
- Stead Air Force Base
- Stead SAGE Direction Center DC-16
- Fort Stedman
- Fort Steele (1)
- Fort Steele (2)
- Fort Steilacoom
- Stephen Cole's Fort
- Fort Stevens (1)
- Fort Stevens (2)
- Fort Stevens (4)
- Cantonment Stevens
- Battery Stevenson
- Fort Stevenson
- Steveston Battery
- Fort Stewart
- Stewart SAGE Direction Center DC-02
- Stockade Redan
- Fort Stockton (1)
- Fort Stockton (3)
- Battery Stoddard
- Fort Stoddert
- Fort Stony Point
- Fort Storey
- Fort Story
- Battery Stotsenburg
- Battery Stricker
- Battery Strong
- Fort Strother
- Battery Stuart
- Camp Stuart (1)
- Camp Stuart (4)
- Stubbert's Point Battery
- Camp Sturgis
- Fort Sullivan (1)
- Fort Sully (1)
- Fort Sully (2)
- Battery Sumner
- Fort Sumner (2)
- Fort Sumner (4)
- Fort Sumter
- Battle of Fort Sumter
- Sundance Air Force Station
- Fort Supply (1)
- Fort Supply (2)
- Sutter's Fort
- Fort Swatara
- Sweetwater Air Force Station
- Battery Swift
- Tallassee Confederate Armory
- Camp Tampa
- Fort Taylor (2)
- Fort Taylor (3)
- Fort Taylor (6)
- Fort Taylor (7)
- Fort Tejon
- Tellico Blockhouse
- Fort Ter-Waw
- Battery Terrett
- Texas Tower 2
- Third Louisiana Redan
- Battery Thomas
- Lunette Thomas
- Thomas Barracks
- Fort Thomas (1)
- Fort Thomas (2)
- Camp George H. Thomas
- Thomasville Air Force Station
- Battery Thompson
- Fort Thompson (1)
- Fort Thompson (6)
- Battery Thornburgh
- Camp Ida Thoroughman
- Three Forks Camp
- Fort Ticonderoga
- Tillamook Head WWII Radar Site
- Tinker Air Force Base
- Fort Tipperary
- Battery Tolles
- Fort Tombigbee
- Fort Tompkins (1)
- Tonopah Air Force Base
- Tonopah Air Force Station
- Topaz War Relocation Center
- Topsham SAGE Direction Center DC-05
- Battery Torbert
- Fort Totten (1)
- Fort Totten (2)
- Fort Totten (3)
- Touchwood Hills Post
- Fort Toulouse (1)
- Tower Rock Camp
- Fort Townsend
- Battery Townsley
- Fort Towson
- Travelers Rest Camp
- Fort Travis (2)
- Trenton Barracks
- Battery Trevor
- Trinidad FAA Radar Site
- Trinidad WWII Radar Site
- Battery Trueman
- Fort Trumbull
- Fort Tumlinson
- Battery Turman
- Battery Turnbull
- Fort Tuthill
- Camp Tuttle
- Fort Tyler (3)
- Tyndall Air Force Base
- Tyndall Air Force Base Radar Site
- Camp Tyson
- Fort Tyson
- Fort Témiscamingue
- Fort Valeur (1)
- Battery Valleau
- Camp Van Dorn
- Battery Van Horne
- Fort Van Meter (1)
- Camp Van Schaick
- Battery Van Swearingen
- Vance Air Force Base
- Fort Vancouver (1)
- Vancouver Arsenal
- Vancouver Barracks
- Vandenberg Space Force Base
- Fort Vannoy
- Fort Vasquez
- Fort Velasco
- Fort Venango
- Fort Verde
- Camp Verde (3)
- Fort Vermillion (1)
- Fort Vermillion (2)
- Battery Vicars
- Fort Victoria (1)
- Fort Victoria (2)
- Victoria Point Battery
- Camp Villere
- Vincent Air Force Base
- Battery Vinton
- Fort Vinton
- Vrooman's Battery
- Fort Wade
- Fort Wadsworth (1)
- Fort Wadsworth (3)
- Battery Wagner (2)
- Battery Wagner (1)
- Fort Wagner (3)
- Battery Walker
- Fort Walker (1)
- Battery Walker (2)
- Walker Air Force Base Radar Site
- Fort Walla Walla (1)
- Fort Walla Walla (2)
- Battery Wallace (1)
- Battery Wallace (2)
- Fort Wallace (1)
- Fort Walsh
- Fort Walton
- Battery Wansboro
- Fort Ward (1)
- Fort Ward (2)
- Battery Warner
- Fort Warren (2)
- Fort Warren (3)
- Fort Washakie
- Fort Washington (1)
- Fort Washington (4)
- Fort Washington (6)
- Camp Washington (9)
- Fort Washita
- Fort Watauga
- Water Battery - West Point
- Fort Waters
- Watertown Arsenal
- Watertown Air Force Station
- Watervliet Arsenal
- Fort Watson
- Fort Waverly
- Waverly Air Force Station
- Fort Wayne (1)
- Fort Wayne (2)
- Fort Wead
- Fort Wear
- Fort Webb (2)
- Webber's Fort
- Weippe Prairie Camp
- Fort Welles
- Fort Wellington
- Wendover Air Force Base
- Battery West
- West Bath MITRE Test Radar Site
- West Branch Tower
- West Mesa Air Force Station
- Fortress West Point
- Fort Western
- Fort Wetherill
- Camp Wheeler (3)
- Fort Whipple (2)
- Battery White (1)
- Camp White
- Fort White
- Battery White (2)
- Battery White (3)
- White Point Military Reservation
- Whitefish Lake Post
- Whitehouse FAA Radar Site
- Battery Whiting (1)
- Battery Whiting (2)
- Fort Whitman
- Whitman Mission
- Fort Whoop-Up
- Battery Wilhelm
- Battery Wilkin
- Camp Wilkins
- Fort Wilkins (1)
- Fort Wilkinson (1)
- Fort Willden
- Fort William (10)
- Fort William (6)
- Fort William (7)
- Fort William Henry (3)
- Fort William Henry Harrison (1)
- Battery Williams
- Fort Williams (1)
- Fort Williams (12)
- Fort Williams (8)
- Camp Williston
- Camp Wilson (2)
- Battery Wiltsie
- Battery Winchester
- Fort Winchester
- Fort Winfield Scott (2)
- Camp Winfield Scott (1)
- Fort Wingate (2)
- Fort Winnebago
- Winnemucca Air Force Station
- Fort Wise
- Camp John Wise
- Camp Withers
- Camp Withycombe
- Womack's Fort
- Camp Wood (1)
- Fort Wood (2)
- Camp Wood (2)
- Fort Wood (3)
- Fort Wool (1)
- Fort Wooster
- Battery Worcester
- Fort Worden
- Battery Worth (1)
- Fort Worth (1)
- Battery Worth (2)
- Camp Wright (3)
- Fort Wright (3)
- Cantonment Wright
- Fort Wyman
- Fort Wyoming
- Yaak Air Force Station
- Yachats WWII Radar Site
- Fort Yale
- Fort Yamhill
- Fort Yankton
- Fort Yargo
- Battery Yates
- Fort Yates
- Yellow Bluff Fort
- Fort Yellowstone
- Fort York (1)
- York 6-Pounder QF Battery
- York 64-Pounder Battery
- Fort York Armoury
- York Redoubt
- York Shore Battery
- Yorktown Revolutionary War Battleground
- Yorktown Surrender Ground
- Camp Young (1)
- Fort Yuma
- Yuma Aerostat Radar Site
- Yuma Air Force Station
- Yuma Proving Ground
- Yuma Quartermaster Depot